
Sunday, March 25, 2012




The dreamer had been born with the ability to look at a situation and look into it. To become a part of it. 

When he was young, older people would marvel at his ability to discuss situations and come up with his own theories and solutions. As he grew older people would talk to him about anything, problems at work and at home and he would give them his advice. If they listened to him the problems went away. Yet the one thing that most people did not overstand is that emotions are sometimes the enemy of rationality and when emotion is involved things have a way of going awry. 

He was an amazement in school as well where the teachers marveled at his ability to never participate in class yet be able to pass tests and join in discussions. This was due to the fact that the dreamer was always aware that this time in his life would come. When he would need to be able to fly beneath the radar and do what he had to do. 

He had spent his life preparing for this time. 

He knew several fighting forms as well as knowing how to use the staff and a sword. He had spent time in the army and knew how to motivate, as well as how to move troops on the battlefield. From the time he had been born his mother had had to wrestle with the fact that he was independent. She had once told him that he had been born with wings, meaning that he was a child who wandered. She said that at first she was afraid until she realized that he could take care of himself. As he grew older she told him that as long as he did'nt call she knew he was alright. 

His grandmother had taken him to a root worker an obeah woman when he was a boy to be read or to have his future told, she had taken one look at him and said that she could not do it. It was beyond her. 

As he grew older he had met people who read palms and had the gift of sight and they all said the same thing... that he was unreadable. This had caused him to wonder what it was about him that made him different. The dreamer had studied all he could about religion and in the oldest folklore as well as the quran it said that angels were created from fire and at times it felt as if he had a fire burning in his soul.

And he continued to dream. 

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