
Sunday, March 25, 2012


the music. if you miss it you miss the point...

The craziest thing about the dreamers life was that he could not find happiness. No matter where he went he met women and used them to comfort himself without being satisfied. The flight so to speak, cleansed him in some ways yet it left him hollow in others. He found himself with women all around , yet no one to share his innermost secrets. It is so sad to be all alone while surrounded by so many people.

During these times the dreamer would just get up and walk. It was on one of these excursions that he started to really pay attention to the people who he passed on his journeys. One of the most perplexing things to him was that he passed young men who should have been in school yet they were hanging on street corners in the cold. One day the dreamer stopped and began to talk to the young men he encountered. They all told the same story. They had been kicked out of school, most of these young men were under the age of 15 and the dreamer wondered what kind of chance they would have in a world where education really was one of the parts of the key. 

The dreamer invited the young men to his house with the condition that they had to spend at least an hour reading or doing something to increase their knowledge. The first to accept were two cousins who were as tough as the streets that they had come from. They marveled at the collection of books that the dreamer had and also at the level of knowledge that he displayed. 

The dremer used the same phylosophy as Malcolm X,. Malcolm said that when you are in the ghetto speak as the people do or they will not trust you. He had found that this worked in all situations, no matter who you were talking to. The dreamer went to court with them and talked to the lawyers and judges for them. They were amazed that he could speak like them and also like the people in the courtroom. They started to bring others to the dreamers house and he willingly taught them all they wanted to know. 

One day one of the cousins came to him and told him that he wanted to go to college but he did not see how since he was kicked out of school. The dreamer was a man of action and he knew that the only way to stop this was to go to the school system and prove to them that these young men were worth the time it would take to get them back into the system. The most vehement protests came from a black principle who called the boys all kinds of names and refused to let them back into the system. The dreamer finally went to the school board and made a deal. Let my kids in and evaluate them after one semester. The only condition being that they had to come by his house after school everyday. After one semester the boys grades were checked and all of them had an average of a 3.0. or better. The school board eventually agreed to set up a program for these and other youths in that city. 

Later the dreamer was approached by a member of a local church who said that they were interested in his tactics for rescuing youth and they invited him to speak. The dreamer went into the church and sat down waiting for his turn to speak when all of a sudden the preacher walked to the podium and began to attack the dreamer. He called him a demon and said that the dreamer was trying to convert their children. The dreamer calmly listened and then he reminded the congregation of the samaritan. When the jew was lying on the ground none of the people of his tribe came to his rescue, it was a member of another tribe ,the samaritans who aided him.

The dreamer got up and walked out of the church these people had no idea who allah truly was, they had no idea of his true power.

He walked and continued to dream.

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