
Sunday, March 25, 2012

[Victims of Our Success] A COLLAB WITH RACHEL BENSON

[Victims of Our Success] A COLLAB WITH RACHEL BENSON

(Poetic Ray)
Pink liquid in pockets in attempts to cure colic
When it’s really swallowed death that frolics
And teases mentalities
Unbeknownst that fatalities
Lies in the wake of prideful swells inside of ourselves
Stilettos and pumps walking us straight to hell
Never realizing that judging another is a for sure revealing of the no good within
Social statuses of betterment has blocked the fact that what’s preeminent is sin

Pills swallowed in attempts to forget it all. 
Suicide as these, these dead bodies continue to fall. 
While continuing to stand in contradiction. 
Cursed with the most deadly of afflictions. 
These petty emotions ripping at the heart of the makings of humanity. 
Weak lives lived in the caves of vanity...oh the insanity. 
In this the courtroom of life where all are judged and found wanting. 
We are faced with walls and mazes...decisions most haunting.

(Poetic Ray)
Not knowing how to choose
Standing in the shadows of the most demented ruse
Facades replacing truths while standing in our shoes
We’re tiptoeing barefoot on our own existences
And it is in these instances
Where a simple stride becomes do or die
Be humble or attempt to rise as we walk the line?
But how do we define rise?
Hovering above each other in order to halt one’s own demise
Yet we are internally slain in the game of being vain
And we are all vain, trying to be different and not the same
Even though we really are…

Incomplete and unwhole as the flow of life repeats in varied forms. 
Whole societies swallowed by the beast of ten horns. 
Standing in our midst and spreading seeds of hate and scorn. 
It is at these moments..
Where all seems to melt into the passage of time, where all eventually disappears. 
The long and winding path that ascends and falls away. 
Definitions that defy these words of ours. 
For eventually all shall fall including the glass and steel towers. 
Man and woman lost in the throes of vice. 
That which we all carry in the mitochondrial DNA of our metaphysical makeup. 
For that is who we truly are.

© 2011 all rights reserved by Hamzah Faruq & Poetic Ray 

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