
Sunday, January 26, 2025


We born of the cataclysm of an exploding star.
I have loved you since we were born of it's dust.
My heart strings sing of thy beauty.
The melanin tint of your skin so enticing.
The vibration of your voice sending tingles through my insides, down my spine.
Such intensity that I man sigh, goosebumps on mine skin
Breath expelled and inhaled.
I man find myself floating on gossamer waves of delight.
A prisoner bound to thy charms.
The cosmos displayed in the depths of thine eyes.
Mmmm... So succulent and I man mesmerized stand spellbound, locked in stasis.
You playing on the soundtrack of mine mind, the beat down in mine loins 
The spirals in your hair universes in an ever expanding cosmos where we, we are found alive.
An explosion and then came you, so vivid and true. 
The stars, the stars.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Here hue-manity lies, living so far beneath his potential of rising to the stars 2025 and we got flying cars.
Some many probabilities, oh the possibilities, we held back because of financial responsibilities.
Hue-manity a shadow of it's former self, the angels crying crystal hard tears from a grey sky, misic box revolving on a dusty shelf.
Twinkling in the night and crunching underfoot in the day, hue-manity lingering in disarray.
World so hard for most, so easy for the few, we done surely missed the cue.
Would that hue-manity could unify, subconscious barriers keeping them tethered to this realm, on the THC arise.
Third eye closed from the meat they eat, mental and physical, we existing practically invisible.
A baby born the closest analogy to what my people have become, what they must become.
A totally mind blowing conundrum this being reborn, how could the prototypical become this spawn.
Hue-manity desperately needs a reboot, a press of a key, poof... resolute.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Emancipator the anthem.

These days thangs done changed, been flipped screwed and rearranged.
Fires in L.A. and Trump the strange swanging his proverbial dangalang.
Folks musta done bumped they heads, just fell outta bed as down the road to stupidity humanity is led.
A tear slowly falling down an observant cheek, morality falling so slow, spiralling deep, of simpler times do we seek.
These days and off on tangents we go, 60 second soundbites leading to closed avenues and blocked does.
Cause down south we shout it out till it echoes.
Spit it till it reverberates, spin it till it calculates, all this preponderance of so much weight.
Why does poverty exist, why the black man always gotta desist, whose property really is this, such an abyss.
Tic Toc the body rock as the beat drops, here today gone tomorrow back again as the story flip flops.
Who do we believe as the earth rotates revolutionary as relative in outer space, another day passing, such a sadly orchestrated pace as relating to the rat race.
Here so many are found, blind and perpetually bound.


Sunday, January 5, 2025


Into the diaspora am I Man cast.
A gelatinous mass.
A being of indescribable power.
The ability to create and destroy, to give life, the ability to take life as well.
Here I Man linger alone, these thoughts swirling in the abyss where there is nothing but the darkness of knowing.
Lightning erupts as slashes of ink become the light.
Knowledge laid out in plain sight.
We the prototypical which were the darkness before the phrase let there be light.
Angels in flight bearing witness to our manifestation.
Here we find ourselves lingering in the proverbial pit, slaves to subconscious thought .
It having become the ruling overlord.
Society breathing it has become addicted.
I Man arise the antidote, these words erupt concocted antidote.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024


And here man stands at another intersection of life as it seems, it seems as if things are indeed as crazy as it be.
So many times has man crossed this threshold only to be led off track by fantasy.
This ignorance perpetuated and perpetrated by those sitting on pedestals erected mentally. 
Kings Queens, presidents and ungodly regimes leading man into another erea of slavery.
The cosmos reverberating in the throes of birthing this tragedy, this disease. 
Undulating like the strings of a violin, vibrating sadly.
So many looking in the other direction, eyes averted by the distraction. 
Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram. 
Puppies on the evening news. 
Another generation gone away to the land of thinking that they did all that could be done.
Buried in a hole six feet deep and sporting a headstone, buried with gold and shiny stones, what if we had listened to Marcus? 
To Malcolm.
To Nat Turner.
Different outcomes and our children probably wouldn't be dying in these streets.
Victim of an unaddressed situation, where have all the black daddies gone?
Where as a people are we?
Food stamps, section 8 and welfare having murdered the
black family.
Woman don't need no man,
Another intersection, another election where we vote for who he wants, not who we need. 
Preacher's inviting the beast into the inner sanctum, laying with him in a metaphoric and physical state of sin.
It seems like we done lost the seam, such a shame, such a savagely orchestrated conundrum. 
We stand here in the whipping winds, so hard so cold, here we dwell at the crossroads.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


A whisp of a breeze.
You ignore me cause you think I'm gone.
Grass growing beneath your feet and I exist.
I and I universally, cosmic,  ad infinitum and all that.
I and I complete having gone into the ether, I and I become.
Tears long gone, you crying over bones.
Your existence one of many as I roam translucent across space and time continuums.
I existing spatially,  traveler traversing time.
I having been will always be, seen?
I having never lived religiously,  my spirituality speaks for me.
Sometimes warrior, sometimes thief, sometimes something that you wouldn't want to see.
My physical having been laid down in the cold hard ground.
Such are things as given to me as I and I walked these asphalt and concrete streets, as I walking looked up into the trees.
A sweet spring breeze...
I am gone.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Sun beating down and the world awakens I man.
Such a lovely day for some, so horrendous for others.
There are lessons to be learned in these things.
Laughter and tears. Immersed here I man think of thee.
Gently descending pon I man like rain, so softly doth thou patter pon I man, seen?
I man riding pon sun rays falling to thee woman earth, seen?
All these things pon I man brain.
Love, hate, hunger, pain so many levels and degrees, I man standing square at the cornerstone, seen?
Thee woman reposed in relief, such a delicately formed thing.
Flower blooming from city concrete, resplendently radient in thy formation seem to be sent to save I man from insanity, seen.
So many things pressing I man down, trials and tribulations, juries of somebody else's peers.
I man screaming at the well of all souls where dark things indeed exist.
Night falls and here I man remain.
I have need of thee.