
Tuesday, June 11, 2024


And here man stands at another intersection of life as it seems, it seems as if things are indeed as crazy as it be.
So many times has man crossed this threshold only to be led off track by fantasy.
This ignorance perpetuated and perpetrated by those sitting on pedestals erected mentally. 
Kings Queens, presidents and ungodly regimes leading man into another erea of slavery.
The cosmos reverberating in the throes of birthing this tragedy, this disease. 
Undulating like the strings of a violin, vibrating sadly.
So many looking in the other direction, eyes averted by the distraction. 
Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram. 
Puppies on the evening news. 
Another generation gone away to the land of thinking that they did all that could be done.
Buried in a hole six feet deep and sporting a headstone, buried with gold and shiny stones, what if we had listened to Marcus? 
To Malcolm.
To Nat Turner.
Different outcomes and our children probably wouldn't be dying in these streets.
Victim of an unaddressed situation, where have all the black daddies gone?
Where as a people are we?
Food stamps, section 8 and welfare having murdered the
black family.
Woman don't need no man,
Another intersection, another election where we vote for who he wants, not who we need. 
Preacher's inviting the beast into the inner sanctum, laying with him in a metaphoric and physical state of sin.
It seems like we done lost the seam, such a shame, such a savagely orchestrated conundrum. 
We stand here in the whipping winds, so hard so cold, here we dwell at the crossroads.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


A whisp of a breeze.
You ignore me cause you think I'm gone.
Grass growing beneath your feet and I exist.
I and I universally, cosmic,  ad infinitum and all that.
I and I complete having gone into the ether, I and I become.
Tears long gone, you crying over bones.
Your existence one of many as I roam translucent across space and time continuums.
I existing spatially,  traveler traversing time.
I having been will always be, seen?
I having never lived religiously,  my spirituality speaks for me.
Sometimes warrior, sometimes thief, sometimes something that you wouldn't want to see.
My physical having been laid down in the cold hard ground.
Such are things as given to me as I and I walked these asphalt and concrete streets, as I walking looked up into the trees.
A sweet spring breeze...
I am gone.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Sun beating down and the world awakens I man.
Such a lovely day for some, so horrendous for others.
There are lessons to be learned in these things.
Laughter and tears. Immersed here I man think of thee.
Gently descending pon I man like rain, so softly doth thou patter pon I man, seen?
I man riding pon sun rays falling to thee woman earth, seen?
All these things pon I man brain.
Love, hate, hunger, pain so many levels and degrees, I man standing square at the cornerstone, seen?
Thee woman reposed in relief, such a delicately formed thing.
Flower blooming from city concrete, resplendently radient in thy formation seem to be sent to save I man from insanity, seen.
So many things pressing I man down, trials and tribulations, juries of somebody else's peers.
I man screaming at the well of all souls where dark things indeed exist.
Night falls and here I man remain.
I have need of thee.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024


And here we are entwined in these days.
The sun banging down, shining rays.
A band round a mans leg like a slave chain. 
Shit that a drive motherfucker insane. 
A major brain drain 
You on my mind and I enraptured, slowly living.
World we live in so unforgiving.
Echoes on the eve of springs breeze.
I would bow to thee like a Muslim on bended knee.
Weighing on a mans mind, he encapsulated like caterpillar in cacoon.
You so scintillating it would make an alien swoon.
He but a leaf being swept along in the wind of your passing.
Such is the way of passion.
The sun banging down shining rays.
And here remain entwined in these days.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Ham cheese lettuce mayo pickles salt pepper sub sauce.
Turkey bacon mayo mustard lettuce banana peppers olives salt pepper vinegar oil pepper jack cheese.
Turkey mayo spinach lettuce onions tomatoes banana peppers salt pepper.

Monday, February 20, 2023


We these products of a failed system, time and time again and here we still are.
Another civilization about to return to the dust from where it started.
Carbon and water as we hue-manity fall victim to the same old scheme.
Julius Caesar's gold and all that, we materialistic as we promote spirituality.
Yet how many would live that way, they swept away in the seeming reality of it all.
Working our fingers to the bone, all the while the one percent live in splendiferous homes.
The beast of ten horns on the news as seen at six o'clock, channel live, broadcasting all their convoluted lies.
Electronic transactions as lives are bought and sold on the stock market.
Babies born knowing how to manipulate computer screens as hue-manity grows wiser yet weaker, woe unto the truth seeker.
Lives starting in scientific beakers, fertilization achieved artificially.
Man trying to reach heavens gate and all that, falling on knees and worshipping Jesus, a non entity.
A name created to assuage a Caucasian identity, soothe a savage mentality, send in the missionaries.
And here we are indoctrinated and divided, products designed to fail, woe unto the one who tells the tale.


Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Oh my heart strings, such a sad melody echoing into the void.
What comes after earth, certainly not heaven nor hell.
Man lying ten toes up, people crying and shit.
Motherfuckers only caught a whiff of mine existence.
I the prototypical ripped from the time continuum, peep my unique style.
The way these words fall from mine tongue, flipped and scripted.

From darkness we born
Formed of black at the big bang
Stars singing of we

Heartbeats bass and the movie plays on, so intricately twisted.
We living in another man's utopia, we the 5 see what should be.
And what of unity so sought after as we divided fall victim to the beast.
These lives as delicate as the spiderweb, high tensile strength.
Two sides of the same coin as lives are bought and sold.

Sighing comes the breeze
Whispers of the ancestors
Cries from stolen ground