[SHORT META DROP] THE MUSIC FOR THIS ONE... MAKE SURE THAT YOU LISTEN... http://youtu.be/JDt1Ape6W3s You rise from the air that I tread through while confronting this monster called life that has chewed so many up and spit them out in bits and pieces... To be carried away by the ants and processed through the belly of worms. I find myself carried away on the winds of your existence as if I were a piece of paper fluttering on a spring breeze... Folding and opening... Wrapped around a pole... High enough to touch the clouds. In the brown of your irises I see the first trees as they pushed through dirt and grew tall and strong... Passing seed and flower along to new generations which have populated places where others have come and gone... Cities built on the skeletons of cities. In the curly naps of your hair I find myself lost in the jungle of swirls and whirls... The alluding to of cosmicality... Our descent from the stars. Our fall from heaven and the subsequent removal from the garden. In the tones of your skin I see every man or woman that has ever lived and their cries reach my ears and I a warrior collapse. Into your waiting arms.
[THE NEW JACK AND THE BEANSTALK] THE X RATED VERSION. PART 4 THE SOUNDTRACK FOR THIS TALE... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfDoHl8qWOY&feature=share&list=PL24cV6IIynrYeNVqyFc362SZbQGKHAea2 I has been weeks since Jack got back and things are good. He is building a new house on the property and its gonna be huge. Lets not forget that he came back with a very fine woman whose name it turns out is MeSo like me so horny and he is cool but Jack still feels like he is missing something. He looks out of the window every day and sees the beanstalk and he knows that he does not ever need to go up it again and he could be very happy but it seems that the power of the beanstalk has ensnared him. He looks over at the naked figure of MeSo and he sighs... Decisions. The next morning he wakes up early and leaves a note on the stand by the bed and begins the climb once more and as he climbs he wonders how even MeSo cant seem to see the vine even though he brought her back using it. It seems like she remembers everything but this damn vine. He reaches the top and climbs off and makes his way across the clouds to the elevator where again he encounters the strange man he is about to go onto the elevator when the man stops him and says ominously. "This is the last of the magic. Your trip back will be your last one." Jack looks at him and thinks to himself you just dont know how right you are buddy. He gets on the elevator and is dropped off on the roof and he opens the door and is in the lobby. He walks in and looks around and is not surprised to see Top Hoe walking around but her head is down and she looks sad. She looks up when she passes him and her eyes open wide in surprise. "What are you doing here?" she says and she looks around nervously as she grabs his hand and pulls him into a room near the kitchen. "Jack it has been hell since the last time you were here, somebody done stole a whole lot of Seven Fives money and his best asian hoe and he is making everybody pay for it. All his hoes been having to pull doubles and triples and he has extra security outside." Jack just look at her and pulls her to him and he kisses her for a minute and she relaxes into his arms and they sink onto the carpet of the room as he strips her slowly and spreads her legs and kisses her clit. She opens her legs wider and pulls his head tight as he licks her. She tries to close her legs and move away but Jack is not having that and he holds her tight and keeps her legs open as he brings her to orgasm. He raises his head and say's "I came back for you baby. I want you to be my top hoe." "She looks at him and say's boy you must be crazy. Seven Five would find us and fuck us up." All he does when he gets home now is eat and then sit in the kitchen looking at his stocks and bonds and all the deeds to all the property he owns. He also keeps checking the money in his offshore accounts. He keeps it all locked up in a safe and he only takes it out when he comes home. " All of a sudden there is a lot of noise and Jack hears the giant mans voice. "FUNKY FI BIG BOOTY HO I SMELL A NIGGA AT MY DOE!!! "Where the hell you at Top Hoe! Get yo motherfucking ass out here!" She jumps up and pulls her skirt down and smooths it as she runs out of the room. "Stay quiet." He listens as she goes out and he hears the pimp say "Bitch what you doin in there? Plottin on me? "Dammit Seven Five I am tired of... Jack hears a slap and she shuts up and he hears her crying. "Bitch you aint gone be talking to me like that... Not now and not ever! I will take yo ass back to the projects and you can live with yo cracked out ass mama and yo drunk ass stepdaddy, now get yo ass in there and fix my damn food." He hears them walk away and he eases to the door and cracks it. From where he is he can see the giant as food is placed in front of him and he begins to eat. After he is done he hands Top Hoe a key from his pocket and it is on a gold chain with a big ass diamond hanging on it. She goes upstairs and comes back down with yet another silver case and Jack watches as the giant opens it and pulls papers from the case and begins to pore over them. He does this for about 20 minutes and then he slumps over the table and falls asleep. Jack creeps from the room and tiptoes over to where the giant is sleeping and closes the case and just as he is about to walk away Top Hoe comes in the room and she utters a cry of surprise and Jack realizes that she is not looking at him she is looking past him and he looks around and sees the giant pimp standing over him with a cane and he rolls out of the way just as it comes crashing down into the floor. He hops the counter and grabs Top Hoes hand and they run from the room with the giant in hot pursuit. They cross the lobby and run out of the door and they are on the roof but the door never closes and the giant pimp is transported as well and they run to the elevator and the doors barely close and the Giant pulls a gun from his pocket and fire a shot and the doors close just in time. The strange man says "My what a predicament sir." Jack looks at him and says "You think?" They reach the top and The stranger says to them "I must go and pick up my other passenger it is the way of magic." The doors close and Jack and Top Hoe begin to run and it is not very long perhaps a minute or three before he looks back and see the door open and the pimp come flying off. They reach the top of the vine and begin to climb down and they climbs as fast as they can. Jack has the briefcase slung across his shoulder but he helps Top Hoe whenever he can. Before they reach the bottom and he begins to yell at his mother and she runs out of the door and she looks up and sees the vine and her mouth drops open. As soon as they reach the bottom Jack tells her to get the ax and he looks up and sees the giant pimp making his way down as fast as he can. He starts to chop and being a country boy he does a pretty good job of it and the beanstalk totters for a moment before it begins to fall and he heres the giant saying as he falls "This aint no way for a pimp to gooooooo!!!" the beanstalk falls in a deafening crash and shakes the earth around them and Jacks mother looks at him and says. I hope this the last hoe you brangin here. Jack looks at her and laughs as MeSo comes out of the door and her and Top Hoe hug. They take Jacks hand and lead him into the house. And they all live happily ever after... even mom who goes out and buys a professional basketball team.