
Monday, February 16, 2015


And unto we power was bestowed...
We made whole.
Our spirit was the sun and in its light we grew strong.
We having such power at times did not recognize it.
It having always been there.
We who were born from the earth and the water.
We assumed that all was fine and that all those born of us were like us
Then came the cannons and the crosses...
Then came white Jesus and Manifest destiny.
Whole nations were wiped out and the knowledge of we was stolen and adapted to make us believe that we the prototypical were meant to be slaves.
Black preachers were taught to make sure to mention the curse of Ham.
To talk of a white heaven where finally under the white god we would finally be free.
Come my children... Gather round.
The day starting with darkness... The night and the cosmos as well and man ignores the obvious signs and cornerstones.
The clarity as the trumpet blasts and the seals open... The beast revealed as he ignores the blood he stands in.
Calls himself a hero as he lines up victims in his sights.
Picks his teeth to get rid of the flesh he eats.
His whore standing in a harbor... She spoken of in revelations and prophesies revealed are ignored.
Plagues and pestilence.
Man and man... Woman and woman and the earth moans in pain.
She bearing witness to the rape and genocide of minds, bodies and souls.
The horror... The horror.
Such potential and it flaunted as rap and religious ideal rips we apart.
Two schools given over to the white side as opposed to the dark from which our mold was ripped.
Analogies and figurative forms of speech falling parable.
Once power was bestowed to we.
Find the key...
Find the key.



Flutter butterfly
Your wings delicate and wet.
My manhood erect

We become nature
Pounding waves cumming ashore
Sinking into sand

Pulses beat as one
Moans become song vibrating
The air bears witness

Drops on your skin shine
Liquid releases of we
We become the free


They the blind would tear you down...
Crumble the bricks of your house and turn them to particles of sand on a desert floor...
Blowing in a stinging wind.
They mislead would forsake you the mother...
They would violate you my queen...
Lay you out naked and rape your memory again and again until you are left a ravaged mess.
They never having realised the imminent arrival of I and I.
I dancing around the fire, my shadow bouncing off planets in the utter depths of space.
My voice proclaiming your royalty to all who would hear these tomes.
I but a blip in the annals of time.
An unfamous man on a world where my brothers they have forgotten...
They suffering short term memory loss and the horrifying legacy of being made into walking shells.
Shadows in a darkened room where the light never penetrates.
They only seeing in black, white and grey as you vibrantly shine thick and chocolate.
As you reflect the deepest black imaginable.
As the red tones in your skin allude to the fact that you have the potential to build...
To destroy.
To rebuild again on the dirt covered remnants of a past civilization that was built on the shifting foundation of miseducation...
An even older civilization.
They having lost the gift sight wander in obvious confusion and the people suffer generationally.
They don't realise that all they and you have to do to Ind happyness is embrace the darkness of your skin and the nappyness of your hair.
The broadness of your nose and the wideness of your hips.
Then and only then will we be able to move forward.
If only they would remove the scales from their eyes and the foolhardyness from their hearts, cast aside the whitewash and embrace the true black.
If only they would see you as I do.