
Sunday, August 27, 2017

(OF HATE, PRESERVATION AND EVOLUTION) An article on the true definition of hate.

The other day as I was proceeding on my way, posting shit and doing my thing I was accosted by a do good ass nigga.
I don't know what influenced her to say that I was spreading hate.
I called her an idiot and proceeded to unfriend and block her stupid ass.
Today I'm going to talk about two words and some other things and imma need you to keep up.
The first word that we are going to examine is hate.
Hate is defined as such.




feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone).

"the boys hate each other"

synonyms:loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; "

That's hate in a nutshell.
As i look at the word and it's synonyms I see way more than the words can define, I see systems designed to perpetuate this mode of thinking, this attitude.
Systems designed to actually keep hate viable for a long time.
We exist in this system and we are its victims. Willingly, unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly. We live in a system that raises monuments to murderers and war criminals who fought to keep us as chattel, a system that allows us to be murdered with no fear of retribution.
We live in a system where the money bears the likeness of Andrew Jackson who murdered thousands of blacks and indigenous. He wore boots made of the skin of an indigenous man while in the White House.
The current president is also a proponent and practitioner of this mentality . Hence his appeal to the basic inner nature of the white race. To Nazis and the KKK and any other low life scum sucking white person.
I hear people say I hate white people... Hmph.
Nope I don't, cause hate blinds, it causes arrogance and leads to mistakes which have toppled whole civilizations on more than one occasion. Check the history.
The other word we will study today is self preservation which is defined as follows.

ˈˌself ˌprezərˈvāSHən/


the protection of oneself from harm or death, especially regarded as a basic instinct in human beings and animals."

See now that's where I'm at.
I am in a perpetual state of self preservation which keeps me from being harmed by the hate of Amerikkka or any other entity. This is what I walk, talk and give freely to anyone I come into contact with.
Everything I say is actual factual pertaining to what we are dealing with here which is hate. Given the fact that this hate has been the modus operandi of the white race they are the ones I am preserving myself against.
Not one thing has changed since slavery. While a few blacks "make it" most of the blacks in this country are one paycheck, one welfare check, one mistake away from being homeless.
From losing the car or the furniture.
Self preservation dictates that this is a condition which threatens our health, our well being and our sanity and that the aforementioned hate must be confronted. Self preservation also dictates that if a strategy does not work anymore it should be discarded and that we must use alternative means, we must evolve. Self preservation condones war, whether mental, physical, financial or guerilla. It is not terrorism unless you are killing women, children or the elderly which is what has been used against us. This happens on Federal, state and local levels. Mass media which is controlled and maintained by the system hate furthers the cause and twists it into a false system of democracy. It is time for us to forget and forgo the whitewashing so to speak of this system. It's time to realise that the black church is controlled and maintained by this system of hate as well. Black preachers sold out long ago to the hierarchy which is full of the grandchildren of Klansmen and racists.
I could go on and on but I think I've shown you where I don't hate white people.
I just activated my self preservation mode.
That means I'm a self preservationalist.