One day the fat lady is gonna sing some dark operatic strains as the walls of Babylon come falling down... sad to say it but one day the past indiscretions will become to much for time to bear and the blood of the innocents will cry from the dirt.
Words spoken to the prophet Ibrahim will take on new light and genesis will occur...
Some body is going to pay for all these things commited in the most holy name of Allah.
The child who is born with the cards stacked againt him.. who can hope to win against those odds?
Babylon has spread her wings and taken flight... swift as the eagle flyeth as her shadow covers the lands...
She spreads pestilence and disease as pieces of she fall and fester, rotting on the floor of humanities field of dreams where the dead are the fertilizer.
So many swept up in the winds that swirl in the wake of her passing... whole continents swallowed in her greed... sweatshops in China and chocolate factories in Africa that feed her need.
In what god doth she trust... could there be a hotter hell?
Painting her face in the colors of peace while causing turmoil... war in Syria ochestrated by her hand... babies blown to pieces in Iraq and Afghanistan... crosses drawn on the bombs.
Africans held in bondage oh so long as Niggers, slaves and African Amerikkans... statistics outlined on a page.
As the fat lady begins to sing in operatic strains and the fire begins to burn.
One day the fat lady is gonna sing some dark operatic strains as the walls of Babylon come falling down... sad to say it but one day the past indiscretions will become to much for time to bear and the blood of the innocents will cry from the dirt.
Words spoken to the prophet Ibrahim will take on new light and genesis will occur...
Some body is going to pay for all these things commited in the most holy name of Allah.
The child who is born with the cards stacked againt him.. who can hope to win against those odds?
Babylon has spread her wings and taken flight... swift as the eagle flyeth as her shadow covers the lands...
She spreads pestilence and disease as pieces of she fall and fester, rotting on the floor of humanities field of dreams where the dead are the fertilizer.
So many swept up in the winds that swirl in the wake of her passing... whole continents swallowed in her greed... sweatshops in China and chocolate factories in Africa that feed her need.
In what god doth she trust... could there be a hotter hell?
Painting her face in the colors of peace while causing turmoil... war in Syria ochestrated by her hand... babies blown to pieces in Iraq and Afghanistan... crosses drawn on the bombs.
Africans held in bondage oh so long as Niggers, slaves and African Amerikkans... statistics outlined on a page.
As the fat lady begins to sing in operatic strains and the fire begins to burn.