
Tuesday, February 26, 2019


These words that come from this pen, raining down as pineal sound bites.
Synchopated metaphors and hyperbole scribbled to these waiting pages, salve for the broken skin of a tortured psyche.
Mind Elevation born of an excursion into the jungle formed by these beings.
Concrete and asphalt built dreams crumbling down onto the dojo, Subconsciously.
Lyrical Wing Chun karate uleashed upon any friend or enemy who would attack.
This verbal Kung Fu so eloquent, a dancer interposed against a rugged landscape.
Love such a harsh teacher, the Motivation, tears trickling down cheeks the testimony to a learned lesson.
So often Ecstasy the prelude to jubilation, so often the prelude to pain, the meaning of yin and yang.
Hue-manity wandering in the desert Unknowing which borders the city Out Of Control.
Time but an illusion as the days wane awayyyy, awayyy.
A moment standing in the light realization, Jubilant in the illumination.
Signs, cornerstones and guideposts litter the horizon pointing to THE FINIS.

John swatz: Karate
Thomas nicolaus: motivation
Emaj: time
Monica: motivation
Janice: jubilant
Tayda:: love
Cynthia: ecstasy


Video edited by @yodaddynasty JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY.
FEATURING: Michael Jai White
Music by: Airlock.