[MAN MADE FREAKY DEEK] THE MUSIC... http://youtu.be/peB5KggIt8A Every time I see you I want to kiss that pussy... I mean you fuck me up. When I see you walking down the street I just want to push you down and lick that pussy right on the sidewalk as pedestrians stroll by. Legs all up in the sky. Phat pussy on my tongue. When I see you in the grocery store bending over I would just love to just eat that pussy from behind as you ground that clit on my beard and against my chin. Make you bust a nut among'st the nuts... In the back of the bus... the front of the car... right before you go to work. Every time I see you I want to hear you suck in your breath and watch you as you look down at me flicking your clit. Making you want me to kiss that pussy anywhere and everywhere. Anytime. Look at me when I talk to you. I want to kiss that pussy. JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY
[AGAIN AND AGAIN] THE MUSIC FOR THIS PIECE... http://youtu.be/bj3y5vFS3Es Every time I see you its like the first time all over again as I sigh at your sight. A sculpture of exquisite lines and designs. You seem to grow younger as the world grows older... More beautiful with the passing years. I see you again for the very first time.
[A MAN ALONE] THE MUSIC FOR THIS WRITE... http://youtu.be/42eIC1VdRVk He alone as a sea of flesh and blood surrounds him. Waves of humanity lapping at the wood of the boat as he looks for a face he might recognize. One falling away calling his name in a whisper as another rises to take its place. All these who would be his friends singing a sirens song... falling away into time and space... becoming all and nothing. A tear in the corner of his eye... falling into the wrinkles of his face... taste of salt as it trickles to the corners of his mouth. He sits back as the day starts to wane... soon to be the night. He stands and steps into the sea.
[ITS GONNA BE A REVOLUTION] BLACK OPS PART THREE THE SOUNDTRACK... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycR-efOYYRM&feature=share&list=PL24cV6IIynrbwsCBvIFTIR6y5NL7xtceH I climb into my car and back out of my drive and head to the coffee shop and order my favorite, a Kenyan blend and a sugar free muffin and sit down by the window and read as the day unfolds around me. Keep in mind that this is kind of new to me at this time. I am thinking. What do I really want to know? How far am I willing to go? I am sitting there looking out of the window and I look across the street and I see a dude pumping gas and realize that it is her brother. I pick up my cup and head for the door and jaywalk across the street to where he is. I just wanna talk to him. You know what I mean? I nod even though I don't have too. He doesn't even notice and continues to talk. I walk up to him and say "Whats up Darryl?" He turns around and says "Whats up bro?" I say "Man I'm sorry to hear about your sister." He says " Yeah you two were kinda tight in high school weren't you?" "Man mom is takin this shit hard bro she had two kids you know?" "Naw I didn't know that bro. I been doing my own thing for awhile." "Yeah you went to the army didn't you?" We continued to talk and people from the hood continued to pull up and walk over and offer condolences and money to the brother. Its like that in the hood. We talk for awhile until he says "Man I gotta go." I tell him its good that I saw him and walk across the street to my car and drive out to the country road and turn in. I walk into the house and open the basement door and walk over to the lone steel chair and look into the wide eyes of the dude I have strapped there and I say "You killed a friend of mine and you know what I want. This can be easy for you or hard. It does not matter to me." I show him a knife and I reach to the side of his head and grab his ear and slice. The knife is sharp and his head pulls away and I hold his ear in my hand. "Do you understand." He nods through the tears. I pull the tape from his mouth and he begins to spill the beans. I listen and stand up and place the pistol in my hand to his temple and pull the trigger. Fast and clean in a sense ,even though his brains are all over the floor, on his collar. I walk out and go to my car and drive away. As I drive through the city I find my mind wandering. I look around and where others see the junkies and the homeless I see pain. It is palpable to me. I pull into the driveway of the man who I work for and walk ring the doorbell and walk in. We sit around and discuss the business of the day and I leave and take care of the things that I do everyday but today it seems as if I am in a dream. Nothing feels the same. I find myself again wondering what I should really do. I finish the day and go home and sit around and smoke awhile before I stand and walk into my study. I walk to one of the credenzas and open it and lay the items out on it and contemplate my next move. Somebody is gonna catch pure hell tonight. JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY