
Tuesday, December 9, 2014


She causeth I to salivate salaciously.
Oh my, I say exclamatoriously...
Out here where I can invent words and be the poet I was meant to be.
She is the black queen that drives my kingly and I in her honor and for her honor would crush a Billion regimes, fight a trillion raging beasts, bring tricknowledge to its bended knees and put a bullet in its head.
I be that dedicated to who you are.
What you represent.
Some of that primitive drum drop, see?
I thumps these keys and bumps these keys trying to get the people to dance round the freedom fire burning in mine blackened soul.
Your skin containing the nectar I, nay we need to survive.
The potion to cure the curse.
The elixer that would causeth I, nay we,  to be God and Earth.
Sun and moon.
The uni-vers- all.
My mind drools in pools of loving you to much to let go of that dream.
That all consuming thought that in space would be the anti-matter holding matter in place, in Asian philosophy the Yin and Yang.
Ancient times Isis and Osirus.
I slobbing at the thought of what we the prototypical could be, see?
Whew weee and you all brown, black and pecan tan have the become the land that accepts the caresses of my blackest seas.
For you I would funk a revolution...
Jimi Hendrix this shit...
Marvin Gaye smooth this shit...
Afrika Bambatta bump bang boogie this shit.
Black woman you make me have to use this paper as a towel to soak up the ink I'm slobbering in your honor.
All I ask is that you see...




There is no need to wonder from whence I come.
I come from the utter despair of a people who think that they originated in the belly of the beast that traveled the Atlantic seas.
I come from niggas who hung from oak trees and mammies who took care of little white babies who in turn grew up to commit other tragedies.
I come from a system that even today is a double standard and a people who forget until it happens again.
I come from the all of it and am the voice that is tired of it all.
I am the black man, the original man and the antitypical man.
I am the hue-man.
Hear my roar as it echoes across the cosmos and careens off of other planets eventually becoming the cosmic wind of change.
The force of I as I impact and become the one celled floating in a puddle of water.
The guerilla warrior fighting to free mentalities.
I come from some of that Tyler Perry and Spike lee nonsense, some of that Opra, Good Times praying to a white Jesus in a white mans ghetto created to keep niggas begging him on their knees to free em from the him that shot the young brother Micheal Brown down in cold blood.
From the black jurors who let a murderer go.
I am the woe and desperation, I am the mother who jumped off the slaveship and was eaten by sharks.
The boy who watched his father go to prison for trying to put food on the table in a system of unequal.
I am his seed as it pours hot and thick into a womb, fertilizing an egg and born covered in blood into a hard ass world.
There is no need to wonder from whence I come.
I just told yo ass.