
Friday, May 8, 2020


Thou art the flower... Glistening petals in the rising dawn.... Such a delicately sensual display... I carried along on thy breeze... Such a devastating slay.
Thou art the softest cotton... The finest of silk... I rubbing thee lost in the scintillating stimulation... Thee rubbing me... I hard as marble... Thine lips shimmering... Covered in they dew... I spiraling to floor... Spinning, spinning.
Thou makest my beginnings and mine endings meet on fields of perdition... Lava brewing in mine loins... Spewing forth bearing fruit... Seeds buried in earth... I thermonuclear son... Born of such a union.
I feel thee in mine cellular structure... The nucleic substance of mine DNA... Pulsing drums on my mental plains... Subsonic pulsations in mine pineal... I so consumed... My very being defined in thee... I but a man see... You... Queen.

Jerald hamzahfaruq Murphy