Woman so complex... Makes a man wonder, makes a man ponder. Woman echoing in the framework of all that we are... all that we will become. We these babes that grow from a womans love, her hate and scorn. So many take for granted her complexity, lost in lies of Adam and Eve... Mary Magdalene Apples and trees... seven veils and Knights Templer. Woman you intrigue as your tale is weaved across the span of human existence... Drips and drops of you in melodic tones falling from singing lips. Ebony and pecan tan skin tones as scribed on your surface... carved into your skin. Beauty begins within. Woman for you have boys became men... made transitions and manifested... Black butterflies spreading drying wings and flying off into the rays of the distant sun. Slaves to your charms. Islands of plenty glowing on the horizon as we the ships float in the vacuum of so much dead space... In the blackest of night where even what is revealed is hidden... in the forest of mankinds laws. Woman you have the ability to build and create... destroy and tear down... soothe the savage mind. Whole nations exist in your passing... in your awakening. Lost in the complexity of your complexion. Intentionally.
[INSIDE AND OUT] the music for this one. be advised it is hotta dan dragon fyah... http://youtu.be/
If I could right now I would write my way under your clothes... tell you the things that I want to do to you. Display my beastly nature. Yet it is not ordained that I speak to you in such a manner at this time so I say these soft words to you. Words designed to play on your beauty... to allude to your strength... to cast an allusion of your illusion as it plays in the theatre of this and all these lives. I sit here with all my primitive emotions bound in restraints as I see you in all your splendor while I drink it all in... sweet liqued across the receptors of my optics... invision the ambrosia as it saturates my perception. I want to write my way through your body and end up behind you standing so close as I whisper in your ear... melt you with the heat of my words... change your world. I a mage of indescribable power as I weave a picture of we standing clothed in the sand as the waves lap at our feet and I show you parts of me that no other has seen... shush, shush, shush, go the waves as the sun falls and the moon rises. You a queen of amazing beauty as your heartbeat becomes the drums that my words dance to... ancient rythms played out on black and white keys. Keyboards and synthesizer drumpads that pay homage to the true beauty of you in all your regality... Fully clothed... A queen.