
Friday, September 18, 2020


Angels descending from dappled skies... Clouds against the blue backdrop.
Tomes that add salve to ruptured brains nestled in fractured craniums... Man standing on the square tattered and torn.
Screaming he asks from whence these words come. They having tomented him so long... He but a traveler in this time continuum where things strange are norm.
Old ideals keeping so many in chains... Plugged in yet plugged out... Who hast released this bitter sickness as it raveges the land... Knowledge the fallen victim cries as it dies, arm outstretched as it gasps it's last breath.
Such a poignant ballet as the prophet weeps blood tears, fragments of his shattered soul pirouetting in the bitter winds.
Shouting God words against the deafening din as the aforementioned angels they descend... Thy wouldst behold the pale horse as it touches down... Thundering hooves and fire in it's eyes... It's rider snatching souls.
With these words the prophet ascends... enraptured.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Pussy or the pursuit therof.
Tis the real conundrum, as I sit here watching a praying mantis pursue his prize and die all for a nut.
Pussy is the cause of all war, motherfuckers killing whole nation's to prove their prowess.
Protect their women, motherfuckers pounding on metaphorical chests, holding metaphorical balls.
Ain't that some shit?
Even got Lesbians fighting over it, city streets and prison.
Pussy is some strong shit.
One whiff and Poof! Yo ass is gone, off doing some of the dumbest shit you ever done.
Chin all poked out and breathing fyah.
I thought pussy was supposed to bring calm, make a man fall to blissful sleep, sweet dreams, fairy-tales and shit.
Pink and light blue backgrounds with little midget women running around... Yet I digress.
Pussy causes all war.