Someone recently posted the question to me 'how can we move forward?" Ironically this is a question that has kept me awake for many more nights than I care to count. These are just some of the answers that I have come up with.
1st and foremost there is a pressing need for re-education. By re-education I mean that all studies to our people should be to strengthen our nation. Blacks in Amerikkka spend around 22.9 BILLION dollars a year on bullshit, clothes, hair products and other frivolous endeavers take our money while our children are educated by a system that has shown time and time again that it does not care about our interests or the truth. A fund needs to be created in Amerikkka for the Dislocated Afircan people who reside here. This fund should accept a monthly donation from any black person in Amerikkka who who wants to give. One dollar a month entitles you and your children to the same benifits as one million dollars. Your money ensures that you and your children are to be entitled to share in the rewards of this fund. This fund should br managed by a committee of people who have shown that they have the nations best interests at heart. This committee shall have to answer and open the books to any member who requests it. No one on this committee shall try to impose or otherwise use religion as a means of procuring funds, this is a movement of the people and by the people. No monies are to be taken from any organization that seeks to compromise or influence the mission which is simple, upliftment. The funds shall be used to to invest in our future. Stock shall be bought in companies so that we can exert some control over them, any money made from the stock market shall be redistributed into the fund. Schools and community based programs are to be started. The schools and programs are to follow the concepts put forth about re-education. True history is to be taught as a prelude to THE NEW AFRICAN PHYLOSOPHY. Every fact that we know about our people throughout history shall be taught, good or bad. We must not hide from who we are or where we came from. Religious studies are to be factored in but they must be true studies, not preaching, just teaching. We must keep in mind that religion has been a control method for hundreds of years. That is why our teachers will have to have studied more than western phylosophy, psychology, and theology.
2nd and this will probably be the hardest part. A change of the way we use media will have to be affected. all influences that we see on T.V., the internet, and the newspaper should be controlled by us. We need shows that are serious and that show us in a positive light. It seems that all the shows geared towards us are comedys, and shows that show us in a negative light. All informationthat we receive from any outside influences shold be scrutinized and treated with scepticism. Our daughters must learn that black is beauty and to love being black. No more blue contacts and permed hair. Our sons must learn to fight for our nation ,gangster and thug dont make you a man. A man fights for his people. it is the way of societies that succeed. True assimilation is the key, by this I mean assimilation within the world diaspora, Amerikkka has shown that we dont matter. The world is somewhere around 80% people of color. These people will deal with us once they see that we are serious. this will in effect empower us even more.
3rd we should reach out to the motherland, with the education we possess we can make the motherland strong and viable. The rape of the motherland must stop, be it by anyone black or white. It does not benifit the children of africa wherever they may be. Our goal should be to claim the wealth of our ancestors back. these are but a few of the thoughts that I see as necessary for our forward movement. These things are all achevable we just need to stop being pimped by religion, mass media, and anyone who does not have our nations best interests at heart. Once again this is HAMZAH FARUQ signing off. Onward to the future.

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