When I see your face my heart bleeds blood into the tingle in me... Tears at the corner of my eyes.
Once we were everything, once when the world was ours to conquer... Once when our connection was so strong that walls fell in our presence.
So many nights have I awakened to the manipulations of you... Memories of a dream that while I wishing to stay fades away.
So many times have I dreamed of us beating as one again...
Once everything now nothing as the days race by to the end... Whether now or a year in the future where you in my soul still burn...
Fire so hot that in its passing planets are rendered asunder... So hot that even devils in hell would run to escape its heat.
Vaporization as across the plains doth it sweep.
Angels wings beating a fluttering pattern of sound into the mental skies where a humbled man finds torment while confronting pain.
Finds comfort in the knowledge that there is a tomorrow if Allah so wills.
Another day to reminisce on the happy times and the rough ones... To try and try again.
If I didn't laugh this pain of we apart would crush me like the gravity of Jupiter... Reduce me to my smallest form.
Make me disappear into the all of it.
Another day where I find your face in the crowd...
Another night in my dreams...
I survive alone in these thoughts.
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