HE; stands and surveys the scene which lies before him. The green tops of the trees catch the morning sun in the distance beyond the buildings as HE; stands in the window of the skyscraper. HE; turns and walks to the hall and decends the stairs to the ground floor. HE; walks out of the lobby of the building and looks up and down the street which is covered in grass and lined with the rotting remains of cars. HE; sniffs the air. HUMANS! It has been years since he has smelled this scent and it brings memories surging to the forefront.
HE; was a genetically altered lifeform who had been created in the labs of the government before the great war. It really does not matter the name, there is no one around to care anyway. HE; was a combination of a lot of animals including but not limited to humans, gorrillas, and crocodilian. Yet he was less a creature than many of the humans who remained. HE; was hairy to the point where he really did not need clothes to keep warm and HE; was capable of changing to a form which was almost human, except for the fact that HE; had 4 arms and was about 9 feet tall. HE; could speak even though his speech sounded so alien in tone that to hear it would probably chill any humans blood. HE; aged at a rate that was so slow that even though HE; had been created more than 90 years ago he was probably only about 30 in human years.
Life for HE; had been hard. HE; had escaped from the labs in the first days of the war and had hidden in the swamps surrounding the lab as all was destroyed.
The war had been so great that whole nations had been obliterated. Man had imploded upon himself. Nation against nation, brother against brother, and father against son.
HE; was lonely, it had been so many years since He; had had companionship. HE; had once had a friend, a human that he had found about to starve as a child. The boy had been blind and HE; had raised him and the boy had grown into a friend to be trusted. HE; taught the boy to speak and then taught him other things as he grew. The boy was only human though and lived about 50 human years before he died. Their relationship had been a symbiant one and it had benefitted them both.
HE; was capable of reproduction even though HE; had not seen any females who resembled him since HE; had escaped the labs. HE; figured that they all were dead by now anyway. HE; left the ruins of the city and traveled south HE; was capable of tremendous speed and stamina so he was miles out of the city before he slowed to a jog. There had been indications of human activity for days now and HE; had ignored them since they had been so far away. Smoke on the breeze, and shouts so faint that they would have been missed by human ears. Today had been final confirmation, HE; had scented the scouting parties. It had been years since humans had come so near his lair. They tended to stay near the forests. The cities were to dangerous, animals which had escaped the zoos had taken over. Wild packs of dogs that had mated with the wolves and the dingos roamed the streets.
HE; followed the scent of the hunters as it wound into the countryside. Here evidence of the humans who had caused this travesty were sparse. Houses and other buildings had become a part of the scenery, swallowed up by the forest. HE; follows the human scent until HE; comes to the river HE; looks around and surveys the area before HE; goes to a tree and climbs it. HE; ascends to the highest level HE; can before HE; looks down at the river and follows its course with his eyes. As HE;looks HE; sees a raft rounding a bend in the river and in the distance beyond where he see the raft he sees smoke rising from the trees. It is a big fire. HE; decides HE; must pay attention to this situation. This cannot be good. Something had happened to the humans in the last war, they were not the same. Some of them were deformed beyond even his belief and others were as wild as animals. The chemicals and biological agents that they had released had had devastating consequences.
HE; had large eyes and could detect thermal signatures as well as see in ultraviolet spectrums. HE; could change his sight as easily as HE; could think. HE; walks over to the treeline and pulls out two rather large fallen trees and use his distendable claws which are as sharp as knives to stipt them of their branches HE; then lashes them together with vines and sets them afloat after grabbing a pieace of flat wood to use as a paddle. HE; travels to a point above where HE; saw the smoke and uses his four arms to paddle to the bank.
As soon as HE; is about to step onto the bank HE; hears a sound and turn to see a wave of water coming at him. An alligator about 18 feet long erupts out of the water and charges him and HE; steps to the side and the jaws of the alligator clack shut as they reach the point where HE; was standing. HE; is blessed with excellent reflexes as well as supreme cunning. HE; jumps on the back of the alligator and wraps his four arms around its snout. It lashes and rears and turns back to the water. HE; braces himself for what is about to come and takes a deep breath. The alligator shoots into the deeper water and starts to roll. The water around them churns as the gator tries to dislodge him. HE; has claws that when fully extended are as long as a humans hands and he uses these to dig into the gators hide as well as using the ones on his feet. The gator slips into even deeper water and HE; holds on. HE; can hold his breath for 30 minutes or more. His skin breaths underwater much as a fishs gills though it does have its limitations. The alligator makes the mistake of surfacing and HE; flips to its underside and goes to work on its soft belly with the claws of two of his arms as well as those on his feet. HE; holds on to the reptile as it thrashes and sies and then swims to the edge of the water where a branch hangs down almost to the surface. HE; climbs up into the tree and finds a bough where HE; can rest. HE; has expended a great deal of energy and is soon asleep
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