
Tuesday, March 27, 2012



My pain reaches at me with claws unsheathed and scratches the surface of I.
In my bones doth it linger...the marrow of my bitter soul.
Broken wings of angels litter these grounds...skeletons of past lives lived in the purgatory of my very being.
Days where the light from the sun seems to be swallowed whole.
As I dwell in the abyss of dark agony.
My screams choked off until they are but a whisper from my lips...carried away on a bitter wind.
Splinters of wood underneath the skin of me.
How many more must die before the question is fall into the void of nothingness that exists spatially.
 My pain bears its teeth in the darkness of my being where we are equals on a purely mental plane.
For things that cannot be explained happen everyday...families murdered in the night.
Struggles against the demons that haunt visions so bitter that the air they create is putrid in its viscous viscosity.
A lonely traveler on a dark and winding road where there is no telling what lies beyond the next bend.
A beast dressed in the skin of man that strips the blinders from third eyes before he feeds on marked souls.
My pain is complete there is no beginning and no end to the depths ...
of my pain

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