
Friday, March 23, 2012



Today we are gonna get back on course by attacking the issue of brainwashing and how it has affected the Dislocated African in Amerikkka. here I have shared a link to an article which I read a couple of days ago and which keeps making an appearance in my thoughts. I do not know who the hell they interviewed but I know they shoulda came to me. This article clearly illustrates how lost the black man and woman is in Amerikkka. There is no race on this earth which has succeeded without knowledge and pride in their ancestory. In most cases the ancestory is played up to make the succesful race seem to be the victim while it has clearly been the other way around. Labeling people as savages while the real savage has been the ones who come in "peace" Murdering and commiting acts so heinous that the blood cries from the very ground that we walk upon. 
It may seem as if I am overreacting but if you look at any of the facts that I give you you will see that this is the instant. What the black man has been through in Amerikkka has been the most sustained campaign of terror ever unleashed on any peoples and it shows in his reactions and actions. Our African history is not told in most of the schools and if it is its disassociated from the plight of the African in Amerikkka or the effect it had on Africa. Many black people on both continents seem to forget the inventions that were stolen and sold in this country by our people, and when they do celebrate them they dont pay attention to the implications. What if the white man had not stolen our ancestors and worked them literally to death? I mean think about it. This country would be radically different and Africa would be as well.
See we have to affect a new mentality to move ahead.
Most of the children today are not even taught how hard it was for us just yestiddy so to speak. 50 years ago it was still against the law for some blacks to vote or hold office. Blacks were taught an inferior version of history and what must be realized is that they taught it to the successive generations. Go to most HBCU's and mention Marcus Garvey or Paul Robeson and those educated blacks will look at you and ask you who those people are. Link to Paul Robeson: All the while we are given an accepted version of history which makes it seem as if slavery was a country club visit and only the "bad niggers" were killed. 
When we are many without a common bond we begin to lose our identity and it seems as if this is the case in so many ways. Our children have no idea of where they came from. It seems as if by running from the truth we are losing the who of who we are. All the while we are played as the problem on movie and tv screens. Our world as an alien world. Look at all the shows on tv with a majority and its the same show that was played out for massa on the plantation. Niggers shucking, jiving and dancing or playing the role of the criminal element. I am a writer and I know that my version of the story will never be popular because I do not play that bullshit. I have fun but if you step to me the wrong way then I will step back to your ass cause I know the truth. 
This is Hamzah Faruq and the message of the day is " Just cause the word has wash in it dont mean that it gets you clean".


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