
Friday, March 23, 2012



Sometimes I see shit that makes me just ashamed to be black in America.
The case of Trayvon Martin is yet another instance of legalized murder and only serves to prove all the shit that I say when pertaining to the condition of Africans in Amerikkka.
A white man has gotten away with murder so far and it seems that the U.S.KKK was going to turn a blind eye to it yet once again. It seems rather redundant that I gotta keep talking about the same fucking things time after time... that I gotta keep beating the same horse.
Listen up black people that could have been your son, your brother or your cousin out there. Shit if you are a black man it could have been you out there. What makes it okay for the police to terrorize us in our neighborhoods or even get the right to decide who should go to jail? What makes it right that in so many cases when they say a jury of peers it does not apply in our case. What makes it right is the fact that so many black people live with latent fears of white people and the the white system.
To many black people are willing to spill each others blood but talk of revolution turns them into scared little slaves who are to afraid to do anything. I know that most have you have seen this behavior in the work place where the shit talkingest black person on the job is still very very afraid of "boss" and in many cases will make sure that "boss knows everything that is happening. Where all the black people know something has to be done but if you were to march to the front office they would all fall off along the way and leave you hanging.
This is exactly what is happening in our neighborhoods all over Amerikkka and the only way to change this attitude is by changing our attitude and the way that we view and react to things.
Oh yeah and even though I know that Jason Russell was trying to put a black face on a problem that was created by white men, I feel that he ignited enough commentary about who really finances Kony (CAN ANYONE SAY THE U.S.K.K.K.?) that they got to him somehow and gave him something. Can anybody say conspiracy?
This once again is Hamzah Faruq and I leave you with this message. The best defense is action, not reaction.


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