
Friday, March 23, 2012


the music for this piece...

Moon in the sky as clouds drift by in transparency and a warm breeze carresses skin epidermically... soothing to the flow of chi.
A picture painted in the studio of Allah and displayed in magnificent majesty on a massive degree... a glimpse at infinity... Odes to divinity 
The sounds of sleeping leaves as they rustle in response to a wind which began in Africa as a sneeze... from a lion.
A ride on the thoughts of a scribe as the clouds hazily float off to parts unknown and assume new forms.
The milk of the way that is made of stars and planets rotating spirally... we but a spot on the grand scale.
Life for a man or woman but a blip as billions of years become the measurement... e=mc squared.
Interdimensional beings trapped in mind slavery willingly.
Earths held prisoner by misled suns on a blue rock in heavy rotation... living a top 40 radio station situation.
Lessons achieved in the darkness that fills the space where stars more massive than the sun are but specks of light.
Revealed in the key of chi.
Solar visually.


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