
Friday, March 23, 2012



Grey clouds that float in the sky as patches of blue allow glimpses of the atmosphere to peek through.
The sun that shines in swaths of light... spotlighting the stage of these births.
Birds that sing in the trees as others flutter by, a day begins as it wakes from the night before.
Ants that form the line of life which feeds the nest and assures the continuation of life as the universe rotates on its axis. The roly poly that leaves a hundred legged trail.
The breeze that tickles the leaves... crisp fresh air that circulates and nourishes the wrinkled plains of these brains.
The most insubstantial ties into the greatest as man has become nuclear in vision... while nuclear was here all along.
Apples always fell from trees.
Breath of fresh oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions as the grass inhales that grows beneath our feet and feeds the animals that we eat.
Nutrition that drifts to the rivers and the seas as the fish feed off of the plankton that drifts in the currents from whence all originates.
Salt and water that bonded the clay.
Of these beginnings.


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