
Monday, November 28, 2016



Lately I been looking at lips, I mean really looking.
Wondering what she can do with those... Damn.
This shit is becoming an obsession cause, Lawdddd some of these women will make you stand on your toes.
I mean make you reassess the way you think... Maybe I am in love? Hmmmmm?
She got the skills of a sword swallower.
Made me arch my back and scream like a lil bitch.
All loud and shit.
Tears in my eyes... Both of em.
Sucked me so good I fell to my knees and kissed her pretty lil punani.
Swallowed ever bit of juice she had.
Tried to lick her dry and back wet again.
Made me readjust the parameters of my thinking.
Wish I could see her again even though shes clearly bad for me.
Takes me out of my sphere so to speak.
Damn! shes got me looking at lips everywhere I go.
The bus, the mall, Walmart.
Shit... I got to stop this shit.
But it was so good.
Suction, motion and technique... 10.
Just talking bout it an I wanna skeet.
Looking at lips and I wanna... Damn!
I see her talking but all I'm wondering is, What can she do with those lips.
Imagining them encircled around the whole of my circumference... Kissing the base of my dick.
Her pulling away and them glistening.
So fucked up.
Looking at them lips.




And what of man so encumbered by his skin... His corporeal self.
What of his mind encumbered by the same self.
All this reality and all he sees is what other men want him to see.
An animal who does not even know that he is food for lion.
The things he would be if he were truly free.
What of man formed of the soul of a star and placed on a starship hurtling through dark matter?
Born of a chemical reaction and light.
He with the potential to be a cosmic entity able to leap across galaxies with a well placed thought.
He living planetary while his history is written on rocks across the cosmos.
Ruled by fear of an all powerful God as told to a slave living under threats of death.
So many crazy people ruling and the sane living as crazy people.
Defined by society.
Coulda been a superhero and all man is is a cog in a wheel.
A piece of a machine.
Plugged in and plugged out.
Dead eyes looking out into the all of it.
I infinity I.
Angels voices sounding like bass drums and sirens.
The beat of the wings and vision filled skies.
What of men who cant see these things?
Dead or alive?
Sentient or bound by time and space?
What of man who thinks that dying is dying and living is living.
Man who has been here since his inception.
Thinking that he should live a certain way for a blessed afterlife when he should be living that way for this life.
Heaven promised while living in a created hell.
This skin only a shell for his immortal soul.
Oh man...
Oh ye foolish men.


Sunday, November 6, 2016



I have not really been feeling social lately.
Kind of in my own atmosphere I guess.
What I have done is take a good long hard look at who I am and what I am.
In doing that I also took a good long hard look at the people and the things surrounding me.
The ways that we, we, meaning all of us allow ourselves to be manipulated.
The current presidential race is by no means an exception to what I am saying.
I really feel its beneath me to comment on this facade, this election as a melanin blessed denizen who inhabits this planet, yet in the spirit of contributing some logic to this fiasco I will.
What we are witnessing is an end to years of psychological and spiritual manipulation on the part of an entity that some would refer to as the system and others would refer to as the Illuminati.
What has been done to the masses is nothing short of  brilliant.
When we look at the two candidates we should bear in mind that they both are of the same cloth.
Illegal immigrants born of illegal immigrants who came to this continent and raped and pillaged to further their various causes.
In no way has either of them shown how they would work to make things better for me or my progeny or yours yet here you are all fanatic about which one should win.
That goes against all sane and rational thought and borders on the fanatic {Can I get a Jim Jones?}
When I look at them {the candidates} I see two animals, a fox and a snake.
If I were a chicken farmer I wouldn't leave either of them to guard my henhouse cause in the end I would get the same result.
In every commercial all we see is one trying to make the other seem bad when in fact both of them are spoiled fruit. Rich people who couldn't give a fuck less what happens to you the minimum wage or slightly higher employee.
One wants to make it seem like you are the problem, a leech on society and the plague, and the other says nothing about the fact that you aren't... Oh hold up.. Is that endorsement?
In my book it is cause if you ain't fighting for me you ain't fighting with me.
When they say the Amerikkkan people the picture that emerges does not include people of my race {Melanin based} it means lily white and suburban.
And here we are in the year 2016 where slavery has been replaced by 13th amendment incarceration which by definition is slavery, our sons wear it proudly as a badge of honor and parties are thrown when one is sort of freed from it.
That is the typical way of the slave, to fear standing up against any system, any people who would do harm to them. To participate in this system because of pre-programming and fear.
In our power we have the right to form our own political system, to take our finances and secede from this system.I dare anyone reading this article to show me one way in which any politician in the past 150 years has done anything which made a significant change in our condition.
Oh... We got to ride on the front of the bus? Whoop tee fucking doo.
We got to shop in their stores... Oh Yayyy! We got to enter their institutions of higher learning... Shit we had accomplished doctors, Lawyers and physicists before that even happened.
Any more?
We can make our own clothes, grow our own food as well as provide pretty much any other need we have.
Why do we fear this idea so much?
Because of the same programming that leaves us groveling at the feet of a political as well as institutional system that equates us as the same animals that we eat, cause in actuality that's whats going on.
Nothing has really changed about slavery but the name.
Whether you vote for the fox or the snake all that gonna happen is that you are gonna get eaten up and digested slowly, digested being the holding period that you are locked in while waiting for things to change.
So ironic that the last joker promised you that {a change} when in fact all it did was remain the same and in some instances got worse.
So ironic that while calling yourself free and smarter than your ancestors you have allowed yourselves to be played in a worse way than they ever were.
So many thing placed in your way that you have lost your vision and fallen by the wayside.
Vanity and contempt for who and what you really are has led you to be easily manipulated into a perpetual blindness where the only time there id clarity is when someone gets shot or murdered right in front of your eyes.
One second conscious and the next incoherent.
Quite the blithering idiot if I must say so myself.
These are just some of the thoughts I have had in the 30 days that they chose to kick me off Facebook,
They really don't want you to weigh the truth. That,s why they got to shut people like down.
Antisocial and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it.