
Saturday, July 14, 2018


Man held your hand in ancient times beyond recollection, before biblical times and the Genesis was written.
He looking in your eyes and growing stronger as you looked at him adoringly... His heart melting into the caverns of his torso.
The blackness of your skin mans escape from the savagery.
In your darkness was man found as he built a great city from Terra firma, rooms built into stone, great stones attacked on upon another.
Your name forgotten as time proceeded along... Ausar and Auset, Ra and Nut, Osiris and Isis... The progression of man.
Ancient into modern as God's fell and were replaced, men calling these things knowledge as he forgot who he truly was... Author of his own story becoming pawn.
You still a queen even as language changed and became these men speak these days... As barbarians invaded and took slaves.
Brought them to new worlds as defined by them, dark men on the shores watching as they emerged from the mist.
Caged, man looked upon your beauty as he was bought and sold, his soul torn to shreds, he became the one spoken of in Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic.
Mans child in a promised land where he treated as less worked dawn to dusk, his solace found in your flesh.
The sound of your voice his brief reprieve until the thread lit the sky...
Ancient into the present...
Man held your hand.