
Friday, April 7, 2017

How to begin...
I guess I just got to say it.
Sometimes I feel like black people ain"t shit.
Let me explain.
Here we are in a political situation that is totally not conducive to us or our survival and in most cases our people try their best to ignore it. When our ancestors envisioned freedom this could not have been what they saw. We are in a state of total confusion as to what freedom is. Freedom is the ability to have your own system within a system, to have our own schools, banks, and financial institutions.
I really think that even your white Jesus loving grandmother would be appalled at what a lot of us have become. Slaves to an even worse system than the chattel slavery that they faced, we are now slaves to the white mans job, the white mans pension. his shoes clothes cars and even his hair. Yep grandma is rolling in her grave right now.
We have lost the ability to raise our children because we are subscribing to a system that forbids us to punish them while the system itself punishes them to great extremes.
The prison system is full of our children while the sad but disturbingly true fact is that our children don't commit more crime than whites or any other race. Its just that we are slaves to a court system that thrives on black lives. They are the fuel for the furnace. Their lives feed the flames.
Mass media portrays us in totally untrue depictions of ourselves and sadly many of us fall into the fictional roles that they observe on T.V. in the movies and the music. When watching the news you can tell if they talking about us by the tone that they use, by the tone that we use. Our plight is told in past terms and any mention of what really happened is suppressed... Even this article will be suppressed, not that it really matters cause the sad fact is that a lot of us don't read anything that this society deems militant. So many are afraid of angering massa... Of making any noise.
So many have sold out and have become a part of the problem. They hate anything that makes them appear black and will defend wrongs by saying that its all our fault, that slavery and segregation which only ended in my lifetime are not to blame. Its us... Its our fault cause we have not learned to talk like massa, walk like massa and that we don't work diligently for massa. All the while massa continues to kill indiscriminately., to incarcerate us for crimes that have no validity. Imprisoned simply because we are poor , because we are a perceived threat.
Black people have become so accustomed to this that they march for an allowed time and hold sermons about it where they pray and go on about their way. Until it happens again, wash, rinse, spin and repeat. Black police officers who participate in the tearing down of our society, black politicians who participate in the rape of our communities while driving the latest car, Sellouts disguised to look like us, dress like us, talk like us while telling us lies. "Vote for me and I will help you." We subscribing to this political system constantly vote in people who don't give a fuck about us. We would have put Hillary in office just because she is a Democrat while forgetting the fact that we have never made any significant gains under them or the Republicans. We are still spinning our tires, stuck in the proverbial mud while our fellow countrymen pass right on by. refusing money from people because they are not Christian while forgetting that the Christians have never really stood for us at any time. Not when we were slaves and they were hanging us, raping our mothers, grandmothers, daughters and wives. Not when they killed Martin Lee Anderson or Eric Green. Nope the collective Christian church has remain pretty much silent while collecting our money and using it to build bigger churches, buy newer cars and print more pamphlets and bible study books where they preach peace while we are being daily confronted with violence.
Our children so indoctrinated to believe that its okay to call each other vile and dispicable names, to believe that being these names is a badge of honor, a way of life.
Sometimes I feel like black people ain't shit.
Only because they have not figured these things out.