
Tuesday, December 20, 2016



You have the tendency to make me drizzle liquidly into the very darkest recesses of my mind.
So invasive and I... Oh I dribble a lil bit at the merest thought of you.
My heart, It skips a beat and my phallus grows so hard and heavy.
My tongue would lap at the entrance to innermost being and make you squirt warm and fluid.
My tongue would tickle the head of your clit and make you moan.
You make my beast want to bite your nipples, not hard, no not hard.
So mixed up and I... I find myself lost in the all of you.
I who would make you tremble as earthquake... Explode as unto volcano.
Creation unleashed in our big bang boogie.
You make me wanna lick the drops of water from the surface of your skin and the melanin from the layers of your epidermis... The chocolate helix of your DNA and ummmm.
I wanna cum... I wanna cum into your soul and ummmm... I want to feel you in mine.
Today and forevermore and I... I would give anything for these things.
A moment with you an eternity where I blissfully would recline.
I who knew of you in past lifetimes and future existences.
Such sweet remembrances and poignant reflections playing on the screen of my conscious and subconscious minds.
Dual personalities where I beast and I man would take you savagely and gently interplanetary and galactically.
I dripping thick and creamy see these things.
My phallus... Oh my phallus pushing hard and thick at the fabric of my existence.
You have the tendency to make me drizzle liquidly into the very darkest recesses of my mind.


Sunday, December 18, 2016



{Ra and Raet-Tawy}
Sun casting halo
We resplendent, shining bright
Our crowns growing dim

{Isis and Osirus}
The moon our witness
Consummations of love made
Horus the son born

Clouds shedding warm tears
We having become shadows
Darkness our abode

Day into nightfall
We weakened versions of self
We were once scion

Once gods now niggas
In ignominy we roam
Victims of tricknowledge

{Enemies and Friends}
The beast of ten horns
Master of mans destiny
He prays with closed eyes

A sword glinting sharp
He who would be division
He would be healing


Monday, December 12, 2016



When heaven was created man fell from its chambers a supreme entity, some may wonder if it was a blessing or a curse.
What crimes must I have committed to be given this thing. So magnificent, so fragile.
When hell was created the black man arrived in the belly of the beast across great waters, cut from the beasts belly he became its servant... The beast consumed of his soul to gain great power.
People walking down the streets, some angel, some demon, most something in between.
People falling to bended knees and praying to be rescued on the other side... Oh God take me in your loving arms.
That same old song, while man living on a ship traveling a set path inhabits the heavens.
Smoke spewing from a stack producing goods that pollute the very ground that people stand upon.
Hypocrites and parasites.
When heaven was created man formed from the makings of a star landed with a great impact on the surface of Gaia, he spread her legs and took her savagely, man and his desire for control.
War and pestilence as he spread across her face.
A semen stain.
Such an apt interpretation for what man has become.
Living in a created hell where the one percent eat of rotting flesh, rotting flesh the mechanics of a great machine.
Rotting flesh spending money to support the beast who dines on their blood, sweat, tears and bones.
A total conundrum as man participating in false elections in a fantastically fantastic dream sleeps on.
Suspended in animations of life.
When heaven was created the cosmos cried cause she knew that man was cursed before his born.
When hell was created the evil sighed.
Ah to be released.
So many living somewhere in between.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016



Feet stir drifting leaves
A new day dawns from darkness
Man contemplates life

Death on the chill wind
Bare branches reaching to sky
Frozen ground beneath

The owls cries echo
Breath in puffs hangs suspended
Days growing shorter

Darkly he awakes
His domain cave solitude
Its depths uncharted

Silent the warrior
Bittersweet the suns light shines
What is happiness

His tears turned to ice
They freezing would fall unheard
No one overstanding

An alien he
Born explosively free
Imprisoned among men

His voice softly speaks
The roar subsonic bass
Dragon fire warms earth


Monday, November 28, 2016



Lately I been looking at lips, I mean really looking.
Wondering what she can do with those... Damn.
This shit is becoming an obsession cause, Lawdddd some of these women will make you stand on your toes.
I mean make you reassess the way you think... Maybe I am in love? Hmmmmm?
She got the skills of a sword swallower.
Made me arch my back and scream like a lil bitch.
All loud and shit.
Tears in my eyes... Both of em.
Sucked me so good I fell to my knees and kissed her pretty lil punani.
Swallowed ever bit of juice she had.
Tried to lick her dry and back wet again.
Made me readjust the parameters of my thinking.
Wish I could see her again even though shes clearly bad for me.
Takes me out of my sphere so to speak.
Damn! shes got me looking at lips everywhere I go.
The bus, the mall, Walmart.
Shit... I got to stop this shit.
But it was so good.
Suction, motion and technique... 10.
Just talking bout it an I wanna skeet.
Looking at lips and I wanna... Damn!
I see her talking but all I'm wondering is, What can she do with those lips.
Imagining them encircled around the whole of my circumference... Kissing the base of my dick.
Her pulling away and them glistening.
So fucked up.
Looking at them lips.




And what of man so encumbered by his skin... His corporeal self.
What of his mind encumbered by the same self.
All this reality and all he sees is what other men want him to see.
An animal who does not even know that he is food for lion.
The things he would be if he were truly free.
What of man formed of the soul of a star and placed on a starship hurtling through dark matter?
Born of a chemical reaction and light.
He with the potential to be a cosmic entity able to leap across galaxies with a well placed thought.
He living planetary while his history is written on rocks across the cosmos.
Ruled by fear of an all powerful God as told to a slave living under threats of death.
So many crazy people ruling and the sane living as crazy people.
Defined by society.
Coulda been a superhero and all man is is a cog in a wheel.
A piece of a machine.
Plugged in and plugged out.
Dead eyes looking out into the all of it.
I infinity I.
Angels voices sounding like bass drums and sirens.
The beat of the wings and vision filled skies.
What of men who cant see these things?
Dead or alive?
Sentient or bound by time and space?
What of man who thinks that dying is dying and living is living.
Man who has been here since his inception.
Thinking that he should live a certain way for a blessed afterlife when he should be living that way for this life.
Heaven promised while living in a created hell.
This skin only a shell for his immortal soul.
Oh man...
Oh ye foolish men.


Sunday, November 6, 2016



I have not really been feeling social lately.
Kind of in my own atmosphere I guess.
What I have done is take a good long hard look at who I am and what I am.
In doing that I also took a good long hard look at the people and the things surrounding me.
The ways that we, we, meaning all of us allow ourselves to be manipulated.
The current presidential race is by no means an exception to what I am saying.
I really feel its beneath me to comment on this facade, this election as a melanin blessed denizen who inhabits this planet, yet in the spirit of contributing some logic to this fiasco I will.
What we are witnessing is an end to years of psychological and spiritual manipulation on the part of an entity that some would refer to as the system and others would refer to as the Illuminati.
What has been done to the masses is nothing short of  brilliant.
When we look at the two candidates we should bear in mind that they both are of the same cloth.
Illegal immigrants born of illegal immigrants who came to this continent and raped and pillaged to further their various causes.
In no way has either of them shown how they would work to make things better for me or my progeny or yours yet here you are all fanatic about which one should win.
That goes against all sane and rational thought and borders on the fanatic {Can I get a Jim Jones?}
When I look at them {the candidates} I see two animals, a fox and a snake.
If I were a chicken farmer I wouldn't leave either of them to guard my henhouse cause in the end I would get the same result.
In every commercial all we see is one trying to make the other seem bad when in fact both of them are spoiled fruit. Rich people who couldn't give a fuck less what happens to you the minimum wage or slightly higher employee.
One wants to make it seem like you are the problem, a leech on society and the plague, and the other says nothing about the fact that you aren't... Oh hold up.. Is that endorsement?
In my book it is cause if you ain't fighting for me you ain't fighting with me.
When they say the Amerikkkan people the picture that emerges does not include people of my race {Melanin based} it means lily white and suburban.
And here we are in the year 2016 where slavery has been replaced by 13th amendment incarceration which by definition is slavery, our sons wear it proudly as a badge of honor and parties are thrown when one is sort of freed from it.
That is the typical way of the slave, to fear standing up against any system, any people who would do harm to them. To participate in this system because of pre-programming and fear.
In our power we have the right to form our own political system, to take our finances and secede from this system.I dare anyone reading this article to show me one way in which any politician in the past 150 years has done anything which made a significant change in our condition.
Oh... We got to ride on the front of the bus? Whoop tee fucking doo.
We got to shop in their stores... Oh Yayyy! We got to enter their institutions of higher learning... Shit we had accomplished doctors, Lawyers and physicists before that even happened.
Any more?
We can make our own clothes, grow our own food as well as provide pretty much any other need we have.
Why do we fear this idea so much?
Because of the same programming that leaves us groveling at the feet of a political as well as institutional system that equates us as the same animals that we eat, cause in actuality that's whats going on.
Nothing has really changed about slavery but the name.
Whether you vote for the fox or the snake all that gonna happen is that you are gonna get eaten up and digested slowly, digested being the holding period that you are locked in while waiting for things to change.
So ironic that the last joker promised you that {a change} when in fact all it did was remain the same and in some instances got worse.
So ironic that while calling yourself free and smarter than your ancestors you have allowed yourselves to be played in a worse way than they ever were.
So many thing placed in your way that you have lost your vision and fallen by the wayside.
Vanity and contempt for who and what you really are has led you to be easily manipulated into a perpetual blindness where the only time there id clarity is when someone gets shot or murdered right in front of your eyes.
One second conscious and the next incoherent.
Quite the blithering idiot if I must say so myself.
These are just some of the thoughts I have had in the 30 days that they chose to kick me off Facebook,
They really don't want you to weigh the truth. That,s why they got to shut people like down.
Antisocial and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016



I met you, such a fragile and unique being.
I felt you in the depths of all that I am made of.
My heart, Oh my heart , and it skipped a beat.
I looking at your hair saw the beginning and in a way the end.
Such a lovely creation thou art.
I wanted you at that moment but I knew, I knew that time, time would play its part.
Maybe it may be, and maybe it wouldn't be.
I yearned, oh how I yearned.
So bad, and I watched you walk, I watched you read, I watched you be.
My soul reaching out to you, calling you, wanting to know you.
To have you know me.
I talked to you and watched how you formed the words that you spoke and I loved your lips.
I loved the mind that moved them so.
So beautiful and I thanked Allah for your creation.
For your formation.
I a lone bard roaming in hostile territory.
A warrior trapped behind enemy lines,
A scarred and tortured prisoner planning to escape for no walls can hold one such as I.
Not as long as I have visions of you to keep me alive.
Dreams of you to take me away to safe places in the darkest of night, the brightest of light.
Here we are having finally met.
Where would we go from here?




And of chocolate, that most delectable creation.
So many have, are and will die for it.
So savage the way of man.
Covetous creature that he is.
Dark the color of it all.
From it we sprang, born of an explosion, born of cosmic dust.
Chocolate the allusions that I speak upon when I speak pon you, my African queen.
Here we are and I would break these things down to you.
How the love of chocolate, the hate of chocolate are interrelated.
Of beginnings where we nude and free ran through forests, plains and fantastically panoramic glades.
Chocolate tones glinting in the golden light of a thermonuclear sun.
How in these times children are exploited in its name.
Chocolate and melanin so interlaced in the grand scheme of things.
Control such a detrimental thing, so sad the song.
Chocolate beating on the skin of drums.
So urgent and I... Oh I.
I locked in a pineal prism trying to explain.
Sweet chocolate dribbling cross my taste buds every time I speak pon we.
Sweet chocolate sold at greatly exaggerated prices in specialty stores.
Fake chocolate sold to the masses.
Educational systems that feed the masses that bullshit.
High fructose corn syrup causing diabetes of body and mind.
Beautiful woman screaming at the top of her lungs in a hallway.
Nobody around who would listen, nobody who would give a damn.
Sometimes all it takes is an ear, a minute of all this time.
Chocolate dreams, chocolate fears and chocolate realization.
Hypothesized, theorized and realized.
Chocolate the root of all these things.



And of chocolate, that most delectable creation.
So many have, are and will die for it.
So savage the way of man.
Covetous creature that he is.
Dark the color of it all.
From it we sprang, born of an explosion, born of cosmic dust.
Chocolate the allusions that I speak upon when I speak pon you, my African queen.
Here we are and I would break these things down to you.
How the love of chocolate, the hate of chocolate are interrelated.
Of beginnings where we nude and free ran through forests, plains and fantastically panoramic glades.
Chocolate tones glinting in the golden light of a thermonuclear sun.
How in these times children are exploited in its name.
Chocolate and melanin so interlaced in the grand scheme of things.
Control such a detrimental thing, so sad the song.
Chocolate beating on the skin of drums.
So urgent and I... Oh I.
I locked in a pineal prism trying to explain.
Sweet chocolate dribbling cross my taste buds every time I speak pon we.
Sweet chocolate sold at greatly exaggerated prices in specialty stores.
Fake chocolate sold to the masses.
Educational systems that feed the masses that bullshit.
High fructose corn syrup causing diabetes of body and mind.
Beautiful woman screaming at the top of her lungs in a hallway.
Nobody around who would listen, nobody who would give a damn.
Sometimes all it takes is an ear, a minute of all this time.
Chocolate dreams, chocolate fears and chocolate realization.
Hypothesized, theorized and realized.
Chocolate the root of all these things.


Friday, October 21, 2016



Better not let me catch you slippin...
Not paying attention.
Betta not let me not like yo bitch ass...
See Im'ma getcha...
Betta not be not from my hood...
Not know my story, who the fuck I am.
A one man harbinger of the worst kind of chaos.
See I ain't braggin bout the shit I done or the shit I will do, I'm just a survivor.
The worst kind of man you can encounter is one who has taken on the skin of a chameleon.
One who can morph into any being he wants to be.
Intelligent, yet a savage beast.
One who knows that this, this is a system of control designed to trap and enslave.
One who lives outside that box and can rationalize it that so that even the timid overstand.
Betta not let me catch you slippin cause I will leave you lying in a pool of your life force, no remorse.
Set your streets on fire and cast your ashes to the four winds.
Not a killer yet not a friend, just the way it is.
Fuck with me or fuck with me not I could give a flying fuck.
My allegiance is to my creation born of exploding star, birthed of a woman on a tilted earth.
No to some flag, not to some polluted religion, I the anomaly roaming in steel and concrete.
Name painted hieroglyphic graffiti on brick walls.
A shadow, a breeze, the movement at the edges of your peripherals, see?
So highly analytical that even when you think the ball is in your court its bouncing on mine.
Pawns, knights and bishops all still bow to the king.
Betta not let me catch you slippin.
I will fuck you straight the fuck up.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016


And I woulda reached into the ether, formed you of the stars and planets that glimmered in the depths of space.
On a moonlit night.
I woulda breathed of the vapors and exhaled them into the form of you.
A gasp... You awakened.
I woulda had tears of exclamation and surprise in my eyes
Yeah I woulda cried.
My tears dropping on your perfect brown skin.
It absorbing them.
I woulda held you in the deepest esteem as I protector stood supreme against any who threatened our dream.
The perimeters of all our cities, towns and villages.
I woulda draped you in all the finery that this planet could provide.
Fed you the finest meals that I a man could provide.
Just a smile and I would melt down to the deepest particles of my very core.
Willing and able participant in all that could and would commence.
And I woulda carried you with me in my dying, a sigh and I looking into your eyes.
I woulda spoke of you in the all as I returned.


Monday, October 17, 2016



Bloody water in city gutters flowing on down into the sewers...
Dirty water made that way by a mans DNA, life stolen so young.
Life running down the proverbial drain.
Enough to ache the very real brain.
Black ain't easy in this truth and reality.
Black wanna kill black... White wanna eradicate black.
Black the evil that skin placed on a child's back.
Born to be the anomaly.
Blood spatters on tapestries that tell the story of our ignominy.
Such a savagely orchestrated brutality as played out logically.
Baby's dying as old men seek to live eternally.
Pieces of placenta and bit's of stem cells.
Bloody experiments and bastardized ancient rituals.
Bloody water flowing from lifeless form.
Body incinerated and gone.
Don't nobody even give a damn.
All he was a man.
Such lofty notions as sold religion.
Cliques, gangs and nations.
Man done forgot his station.
Bloody handprints on the pages of all these pages of all these lives.
Bodies lying used and abused on the slab.
A self perpetuated, psychologically induced state of insanity.
Bloody water washing down the storm drain.
Blue and red lights flashing in the black.


Racism as an instinctual concept.

Racism as an instinctual concept.
A discourse by Jerald Murphy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Could I hold your hand across the table...
Look into your eyes?
Could I unwind as the scene passes us by... Glasses clinking in the background.
Could I speak of my innermost thoughts...
Show you the surface of my peaceful planet.
The place where I and I silent resideth
Where I king would queen thee...
Such a fragrantly poignant image that it would waft pheromone over hue-manity.
Cause deep thought.
I and I single, a savagely poised lyrical beast...
You by my side and I would eviscerate time from its swinging pendulum.
Our love sang of in far distant times...
Read in schools of future thought.
Look into my eyes.
Could I hold your hand?


From his corporeal being he heaves...
His quake would shake whole of societies...
Trembling in their very philosophies.
Their makings of slaves and psychological repression.
Children suffering cause parents poor abound.
The very systems holding them down..
Pressure drop and subsonic rumbling as the beaten heaves a sigh.
Trees bearing fruit and seeds bearing trees.
Saviors born on the killing floor...
Demons spawned and unleashed.
White shirts and black gowns can't hide true identities.
Him but a small part of an immense span of man.
He heaves...
He sighs.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Looking into her eyes and a man fell spiraling into love quite like a pine seed falling to earth.
Such a bittersweet thing, they separated by the miles.
From afar he watched her spread her wings and grow... From afar his heart and cerebellum ached.
He quite smitten yet unable to feed his infatuation.
Sad days and the man walked the sad walk of loneliness.
The people saw it in his face, his eyes.
They asked him why he never smiled and he just looked at them like mosquitoes, always buzzing and blood sucking.
She the one and only thing that would satisfy him.
He loved her mind so.
She a beautiful flower grown in the rough, she a clear stream singing such a sweet song as it trickles by.
A sip... So refreshing.
One day... One day she went away and the man into funk fell.
So deep and the darkness... Oh the darkness was deep but the man having lived previous live knew, if she was meant to be they would cross paths again.
He trodding through this life knew.
He in his way waited... And waited... And waited.
One day Lo and Behold she appeared and spoke the mans name.
Oh the glory!
And he rejoiced.
His heart... Oh his heart.
He rejoiced.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A man stands in the rain crying... So much water, and he wonder's if anyone knows he was crying.
So stoic is he.
A man standing on a street corner reminiscing over life and the consequences... The eventualities and the awful reality.
Babies born to die while in pursuit of life.
A man standing in the rain drowning in the pain.

In the rain there is movement, all around, the day doing its thing.
The man makes no attempt to escape the rain, in fact he seems to revel in it, to become a part of it.
He sees her, her movements so fluid that they seem feline.
Such femininity and he raises his arm, drops fall from his fingertips and meld with rain on its way down.
The way of things.

Her kiss is as light as a drop of softest drizzling rain and it soothes the mans pain...
She looks at him with overstanding and he in turn grows stronger... His heart is slowed and breathing calmed as the rain continues to fall.
Glistening in her hair, dropping from the naps.
Her eyes, and he wonders does she cry along with him.
So hard to tell as the water falls all around them.

He is suddenly overcome by emotion and he raises his hand and rubs her hair, he marvels at its softness and he pulls her to him.
They cling to each other as a bus passing by reveals the passengers looking at them in bewilderment.
These two hue-mans embracing in the rain.
It running in rivers down the gutter.

They do not say anything, these two as a flash of lightning precedes the rumble of thunder.
He looks at her and suddenly finds himself unafraid, she has that effect on him.
She has since ancient times in his mind, in his way of reasoning.
He loves her so and still he says nothing.
She looking at him overstands.
Him and his pain.

The rain continues to fall sideways as he takes her hand and they turn.
They walk away melting into the driving rain.



I imagine your towel slowly falling to the floor With every glimpse of your blackness taking residence in my pupils Sweet bulge tempting my lips to take Eat Partake of you Your pink lips I dream of biting Your moans escalating You and me hissing like wild beasts wanting to devour each other till the last bite Wrap your tongue around my hardened caramelized nipples Let me call out your name in morse codes My fingers massaging the length up and down your girth Wanting you to be in me drowning your dick with my worth.

Jerald I so savage at my introduction to the physical you, stand back and partake...
The folds, the wrinkle, and the lines and I would dine of you.
The jutting of your nipples and I feeling vibratory reach out and... Oh the fucking electricity.
The smell of your hair, the smell of your moisture and I heavy stand pon the scene.
How could something so heavy stand perpendicular?
Not a question as I exhaling your name push you back and take you roughly.
Your liquidity coating the thickness and veins of me...

I know your dick is heavy baby just want to empty Deplete the contents of you until you're dripping wet with in my thick juicy pheromones Beautiful you are when your dick is deep inside of me I want to feel every penetration Every stimulation Every veiny skin to skin vibration of your thick meat Saturate my pussy with you as you feed your hungry lips My pussy is yours Make my wet insides remember you I want to forever remember your blackness Pussy lips longing for your tongue

I so gentle in my entry... A flick of the tongue, a twitch of a fingertip and you
The sound and I would torture you so sweetly. Bring you to the brink and pull back.
I swelling and plunging into your sweetness, the hypercomplexity as we bounce and sway.
I feeling the pressure in my loins, on my brain, tingling, tingling.
Such pretty pink and I feeling it grasp me would lie back and sigh... Such relief.
I in you and you in me as defined I-finity.
Want to see as I push your legs back... Make your clit stand covered in juicy as I slide in and out repeatedly.
I wait for you.
We explode, implode and scream.
We imagine these things.

Monday, August 22, 2016



You came into my life a beautiful apparition and I just knew... I knew, I just had to have you.
My heart almost exploded in the cavity of my chest and my mind heated to 10,000 degrees and I knew... I just fucking knew, I needed you.
I became an empty shell waiting to be filled.
The bricks and concrete echoed back my feelings each time I took a footstep, such a hollow sound as I wandering walked for you.
My life, my life and I would do these things for you, clouds racing across the sky as the mighty wind blew.
Sky of blue as filtered by the atmosphere, as filtered by my soul.
So much promise and potential and I knew,.. Yes I knew that I would have you.
You came into my life and I felt you each time you walked by and I caught a whiff of you, wished I could smell your hair, scratch your scalp.
Days turning into nights where I all alone would play you over and over in my mind, again and again... Slow motion.
The way that your dress hugged your hips, the way the breeze caught the fabric as it flowed from your body and traced the wind.
Your voice, so melodic as it played mixed in my psyche.
You came into my life and I wanted to say these things but circumstances never seemed right and I, I just looked at you.
The way you looked when you bit your lips, the way you frowned a little bit when things just didn't seem right.
My subconscious summoning you when I asleep would lay, I wonder if I ever called your name.
Drifting in the clouds of marijuana smoke, such an amazing configuration.
I high on the very thoughts of you as I fall into haze.
Cough, cough and Whew!
If ever... If ever...
I would say these things to you.


Thursday, August 18, 2016


Silence in forest
Tree falls and shakes the earths floor
So like a mans heart

Sun shines on mans dome
Even in light is darkness
He would walk the earth

And what of soft rain
It welling up in mans eyes
Bitter pills swallowed

Gently day descends
He becomes the dark of night
Skin of Chameleon

Gently leaves whisper
Speaking of life born and lost
He listens raptly

He would speak of fire
It consuming the fuel synaptic
Frenzied it rages

He becomes the air
A leaf drifting in light breeze
A screaming banshee

Dawning sun shining
Son of man turning to leave
Arm leg leg arm head

He earth bearing tree
Solid rock and shaky ground
He is shifting sand


Monday, August 8, 2016


If a comet fell from the heavens and obliterated half the planet, it could not compare to you.
If it fell and sparked new life, alien and strange, it would be a side story to the pure loveliness that is your personification.
Full lips, natural hair, so slight and small that I... Ummm.
I would do so many different things to you.
Show my beast to you... He so ready to smell of you.
So lost in your lines that I don't know what to do.
My rigid pole so hard that I reach down and rub... Gotta stop before I explode creamy, sticky and wet into my boxer shorts.
Oh your voice, and it would cause flowers to bloom in my most barren spots, prisms of color splashed on the wall of my subconsciously, fragrant and delectable.
My beast would crouch at waters edge, lower his head and drink of your fluid, gain strength and kick off a revolution.
Staccato shots fired into the night air.
You appealing to every single aspect of my complexity.
So refreshing and I would roar your name earsplitting across the diaspora hue-man.
Write it hieroglyphical on structures hoping that future generations seeing it would speak in hushed tones of we.
Paint it portrait so that they could look into your eyes and see as I see.
The makings of a queen contained in the brown layers of your epidermis as the earth falls into disarray.
I who would find shelter in your shade


Sunday, August 7, 2016


Play of a play:

Scene one...
Morning: A bus plaza where a black man sits on a bench with earplug headphones in his ears.
We see the man as he takes one of the headphones from his ear.
"Hey Yoda."
I saw her walking over but I was doing some shit on my phone and I wasn't sure if she had seen me.
I look up and as always am suddenly swept by the pure beauty of her.
She is light skinned but the summer sun has turnt her a beautiful sienna type color.
Thin but sexy, she has gained some weight since I last saw her and it has made her ass plump up.
She looks good as fuck in her jeans.
My heart quickens.
She talks to me like we always do and the sounds of the day meld in.
The trucks rolling by, the cars, the buses.
She is young.
37, but she doesn't look it.
She actually looks younger than her 21 year old daughter.
Raw purity.
We continue to talk and she tells me that she has a new place and that her kids are gone for the weekend.
I think nothing of it cause I know she messes with a younger dude and I ain't the one to step on his game.
Her bus rolls up and she says give me your number.
I do and she gets on the bus.

Scene two...

We see the same man riding down the road on a bike talking on a phone, it is clear that he is frustrated as he presses the button on his headphones and hangs up the phone.
His phone rings again and he answers.
"Run yo mouth."
"Oh that's how you answer the phone?"
"Where you at?"
"What you doin?"
"Talking to you?"
"Are you coming by."
"Where is by?"
"Im'ma text you the address?"

Scene two and a half...

I am riding down the road from the bus stop and I see her.
Be still my fucking heart.
I am enamored by her, quite smitten, such queenly aura.
She asked me to get her a Blue Motorcycle from the store and there are two of them hanging from my handlebars.
We hug and she kisses me.
My fucking heart.
We walk to her place.
It is a duplex in a kinda nice area and she opens the door and invites me in.
I look around.
Cool, not a lot of shit in the way.
Nice art on the walls.
She tells me to look around and talks as I take in the scene.
Fucking butterflies and I tell her that.
She smile and that shit make my heart flip afuckinggain.
We talk and she tells me she was going to the neighbors house, she asks me if I'd like to go over there with her.
I say sure cause I ain't got shit to do.
We go over and have an excellent time till they get drunk and throw us out.
We leave laughing.

Scene three.

Lights low and she sips a Blue Motorcycle with her feet curled under her bottom on the couch as the man listens, he smokes a blunt and interjects from time to time.
I stand to leave and she says.
"Hold on."
She walks into the bedroom and I sit there vibing to the music glad for the time I spent with her.
She walks out of the bedroom and says "See?"
I see and what I see makes my heart do that shit again.
She has small breasts and her body is slim and, oh my... So pretty.
I now know that I ain't going no motherfucking where.
She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck and we kiss.
Damn... She can kiss.
I can see the mound of her pussy beneath her panties and I grow hard as I put my hand down there and feel hair.
Oh my.
She pulls away and takes my hand and tells me to come on.
Feels like I'm floating and I turn her around as we reach the bed.
I say "Let me see."
She pulls her panties down and birds sing.
Her pussy is hairy but she has it trimmed beautifully.
I lay her back and kiss her clit and she moans.
I kiss her pussy and her clot until she cums and cums again.
I stand and her eyes get big as I pull down my shorts and boxers at the same time.
No time for formalities.
She takes my erection in her hand and exclaims about how big it is. How thick before she kisses the head and slides her lips down it.
Its my time to moan and I do rather loudly.
She sucks me but that's not what I came for.
Its not what my beast demands and I push her back on the bed and tell her to put it in.
She does and I slip in and grab her legs and push back until her pussy sits up. Her clot is thick and fat and it stands from her pussy as I rub my dick between her pussy lips.
I push into her and try to touch the back of her womb.
Some of that deeply and she moans and thrashes as I put down that pressure... Been wanting her so long.
Eventually I flip her over and look at her pussy hanging for a second before I enter her forcefully.
I pull her hair and scratch her back.
I push so hard that she is pressed down and still I press harder.
She begs for me to stop.
That makes me do it harder as I spank her ass and make her call... "Big Daddy!"
The best sound as my stomach and her bass cheeks meet.
I push and pull her back with her hips.
She is so tiny.
I shout out that I'm Cummings and she begs for me too.
I feel it rumbling in my guts and it explodes thick and creamy from my sick into the Magnum I wear.
I collapse next to her on the bed and we talk for a few minutes before she lays her head on my arm and goes to sleep.
I lay there thinking.
I really like this chick.
Scene fades.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016


I a man fell to wondering about Love, nasty whore.
It hurt me this wondering as I pondered her cavorting with other men... Other women.
Love must be homosexual cause love don't discriminate.
Dirty bitch... Fucking succubus.
Got my mind way out there where don't shit make sense.
What did I a boy do to deserve to grow up and be this man?
Scorned by love... She loves my dick but hates my ways.
A spiritual man in a land of religion.
I who would reach out and hand her a cloud plucked from the bluest sky.
I who would carry her in my psyche to my parting.
As I become other entity flowing in the flow.
The very beats of my heart as deep as the deepest recognizable bass.
Pretty much as Lion thumping on African plain.
As messenger tree being beat by drummer... Urgently... Urgently.
I send Love such beautiful poetry that the ink cries... Tears falling as slashes and lines.
Periods and punctuation.
I who would go to Love on bended knee... The world for thee my queen.
Love you stankin heifer slanging your thang and coming to me for solace.
Every time you get your ass beat.
I wondering would wait for you Love even though you have done me bad.
Knocked my dick in the dirt.
Made my heart bleed empty into my torso.
Damn you you savage whore.
I would wait for you Love.


Thursday, July 28, 2016


Thou lounging chocolate in a warriors weary mind.
On a road waylaid have I found thee thus lain horizontally.
Thine sexuality permeating into the darkness of mine tortured individuality.
I man emerging from the thermonuclear winter of mine personality.
Ashes floating in the dawning sun.
To thee these strokes of these fingertips would I dedicate... They waiting for someone future to read.
Wayward the travel's we have seen.
The rise and fall of great empires.
The death of dreams and the birth of hope.
Thou whom I would call queen.
So scared of one who would grant thy serenity... One who would hold thy as gently as silken lace.
A beautiful sigh as breath expelled becomes song.
Song becomes expelled breath.
Catch that... A kiss from poets hand, a blow of the warriors sword.

Gently the leaves wave
Summer finds man all alone
Leaves spiral to ground.


{THIS RED EMOTION} inspired by a one word submission by Messy

Such a potent word this word, lust.
Looking at you and you pull at my... Damn.
The things... Oh the things I have done and will do to quell this burning emotion.
Fire in mine loins and rushing of mine blood.
Panty lines beneath your shorts. Ass bouncing in skirts.
I so silently watching you walk by.
A whiff of your soap washed skin sends a man into a full tailspin.
Yet lust is all I got cause you don't even notice me, so many wolves. I lion watch them as you make the same mistake time and time again.
Pretty leaves sometimes contain the most powerful poison.
I lusting record these things subconsciously.
His hands on your skin.
You walk by, a most fragrantly delicate thing.
Lust burning holes in my soul.



She has me wondering... Mmmm.
Wonder what her thing is?
Wonder what makes her pussy hum?
Is it cunninlingus?
The softly fluttering tongue.
Just the tip on her clit.
Ah the aroma.
Is it rough?
I like that, throw her down and push them legs back.
Make that man stand tall in that boat as I look down.
Pussy wrapped round big dick.
Is it slaps?
Spankings that make ass cheeks bounce.
Jiggle wiggle.
Excited cries that fill the corners of the room.
Perhaps she will let me tie her up.
Drive her insane cause she can't push me away.
Take her to the very door of faint.
For me?
A gift!
Oh really, you shouldn't have.
What makes this piece of divinity click?
Is it leather or lace?
Her vice, her virtue.
I like hairy pussy.
A fucking hairy pussy fucking freak.
Damn, I wish I knew.
What's your fetish?


Tuesday, July 26, 2016



If a white man slapped yo mama you would probably make an excuse for him... You in your brand new Armani suit, your Dior dress.
If he killed you neighbors child in cold blood you would say "Its probably his fault. He should'na had them Twinkies in his hand."
You just a low life excuse, done sold out for some bands, a car and some shoes.
Let me explain how pussy and economics is the same.
Back in the day a white man somewhere said if I cover my woman up she becomes more valuable cause what a man can't see he wants.
He covered a natural thing in the 100 degree heat.
Rape which had been virtually non-existent suddenly became a more prevalent thing.
Pussy became a bargaining tool.
Marry my daughter and I'll take care of you, work my land and manage my crew.
Pussy became a valuable thing, its hold on man immeasurable.
Love of pussy led to war.
Man in his supposedly supreme way would not admit that pussy had such a hold and he placed value on other things that by cosmic right are free.
Land, clothes and food.
Knowledge and inclusion which at first were universal were denied to many by birthright, caste systems became democracies and slaves built great cities.
They rising on stolen land where once whole nations had bleed conquered blood into the ground.
All because of a covetous system created when man put clothes on something that in the beginning even the children knew about.
Seems back then hue-mans were closer to pure.
What were we talking about though?
Oh yeah, pussy and economics.
Now let say that the pimp is the ruling overlords... The so called elite.
He has his bitches... The government, the police.
If things go right you go in and get your pussy from his bitches, pussy being goods.
But if things don't go right... If you don't pay for the pussy the pimp has a system in place that will break you down.
Fuck around and the pimp will be selling you too... Bent over and spread too, that's how pimps do.
Work from the background and keep the pussy selling.
Ain't even got to be seen.
Sad part is that the churches, the schools and the penitentaries are totally ran by the pimps too... He gets you hooked on the pussy young.
Sells you false dreams bout owning some pussy.
Now we know that ain't true cause don't no motherfucker own no pussy... Sometimes not even the woman that carries it.
Pussy just works like that.
Economics do too.
So sad that you would sell your own for some scrip.
Bout 50 pieces of the overlords silver.
Judas in a modern time.
Our people suffer greatly because of your kind.
Suit and tie, athletic uniform, blue police and green sheriff.
Done sold us straight the fuck out.
How does it feel in his house, nigga.




Suddenly you cross my mind, such a fragrant thought...
I would eat you up, so delectable the image.
My face between your thighs, the tip of my tongue... You pushing my head back.
Me holding the backs of your legs so that you can't get away.
Such tasty images.
I standing hard would stand and place it in your face... How could something so heavy stand horizontal?
A rhetorical question that would go unanswered, your lips your tongue, I talking to you as you suck and look up at me.
That fantastic shit that fascinates me.
Got me fucked up, these thoughts of you in my mind.
The heavy beat, I suspended would push you back, grab your ankles and lay you spread.
I suspended would enter you with my head.
Savoir your viscosity and plunge into your fluidity.
I mean hard would ride.
Talk to you... Speak to your insides.
How does that feel?
Damn that shit feels good.
Always been mine.
Learn forward and sniff of your hair.
My savage beast and I would try to touch the back of your womb.
Tingle your diaphragm.
These thoughts, these all natural thoughts of you and I yes I.
Smell... You.


Sunday, July 24, 2016


So like a breath of fresh air...
Man standing in a light gentle breeze.
Panorama before him spread.
Leaves rustling, welcoming the coming.
So like completion, soft skin and voice.
Man taken there, glimpses of a soul bared.
Could I be the soothing or would I be the tumultuous storm?
Man wonders, while looking at thy form, it so tempting.
What roads have thy wandered to come to this turn?
Man wonders contemplative.
Thy penetrating his senses and pervading his structure.
So like the cool after a summer rain.
Night but a dusk away.
It would find us entwined if things were to go that way.
A conversation, perhaps some lovemaking.
You feline in your grace, your purrs divine falling onto the drums of man's ears.
He stroking you in your most intimate of places.
Oh the titillation, the fibrilation.
So like a cloud, the feel of drizzling rain.
Such an exhilarating feeling as man stretches his arms.


Saturday, July 23, 2016


Motherfuckers talkin bout they soldiers...
Motherfuckers talkin bout they run the hood.
All of em ignorant dan a son of a bitch.
Motherfuckers killing other motherfuckers that call themselves Crips, Bloods and G.D.s all of em a bunch of indoctrinated punk bitches getting punked by the system.
Bent over and fucked.
Prison bitches even on the outside of them walls cause prisons begin in motherfucking minds.
Designed and conceptualized and put in practical use.
Niggas, bitches, hoes, and hoods.
Motherfuckers owning that ignorance.
Can't even band together to face the real enemy cause they love to hate on each other.
That's what pit bulls is trained to do.
Chew at each other's necks while their owners chew on the steak of their labors.
Dinners served on silver plates, glasses trimmed with gold.
Another shot please?
Motherfuckers talking bout they soldiers when they are the disease...
Spreading like AIDS.
Pants sagging to advertise the booty cause that's what pimped out ass hoes do.
Sell ass and suck dick... This shit is literal and figurative, raw and motherfucking gritty.
Niggas spilling each other's blood, killing probable prophets and hypothetical saviors.
Lined up in the cross hairs, holes in feet and hands.
Niggas wearing the mark of the beast and killing in the beasts name.
He wearing the cloak of the judge and the badge of the police.
He the orchestrator of niggas rise and niggas demise.
Motherfuckers swearing they soldiers when they ain't nothing but slaves.
Talkin bout they rising when all they doing is digging graves.
Could been a nation when all they got is cliques, gangs and drug induced hallucinations.
Molly, crack and pharmaceutical too.
Couldn't last a week in a real war zone cause they depend on grocery stores for food and drink water from bottles.
Motherfuckers talkin bout they soldiers, time for motherfuckers to show and prove.


Thursday, July 21, 2016


This shit ain't real... Its as fake as the value we place on a pair of shoes or a place to live.
Fake as the deed that you hold to your land cause if a motherfucker took it one time he can take it again.
In the morning you look up and see the sun... That shit is real.
The flower... The buzzing bee, but you miss it cause you paying attention to going to work to wear some fake ass hair and pay for cable so you can watch another motherfuckers reality on T.V.
So blind to the reality cause if you weren't working for them you could have chopped down a forest and made your own cities by now.
You could have anything you want but you have been trained to be a slave.
Physically and spiritually and the children grow weaker by the day.
The lakes, the animals and the trees are poisoned and the rain is acidic.
Scared to separate cause all you want is another suck off the proverbial titty... all you are is a symbiant life form in the grand cosmic scheme.
Stolen knowledge, stolen bodies, stolen minds... The deaf, dumb and docile and the angel cries could drown out the sound of a trillion bat wings in the dusky night.
So many dead and gone the way wrong.
Warriors ready to dance at all costs fighting each other as Crip and Blood lost in confusion and arranged in disarray.
So many calling themselves bitch and hoe... So many men wearing female dress and absorbing female stress.
The African man but a shattered remnant scared to attack the real enemy... Financially and physically he has become as unto spiders dinner.
Trapped in the snare.
Injected and sucked out.
A dry hull falling to the floor.
So fucked up cause as I see...
This shit just cant be fucking real.
Its got to be a dream cause there is no way its real.
Is there?


Friday, July 15, 2016

I see you and my primality presses into my peneality... I grow heavy and hard and I would fall into your valley... Victim of your causality.
Rivers flowing, flowers growing, skin glowing.
To orgasmic going, sound receding and slowing, psyche blowing.
Some of that humdangerlanger, thick dick hangeranger,

Tuesday, July 12, 2016



You drop into my mind as dark as the moment before realization, in the chambers of Allah.
Forged from the remnants of a suns fire and I, Oh...
You make me tremble to the very roots of my tree... Got me quaking and I um, Oh.
I feel you baby, and I need you so, and I just don't wanna let go.
A moment on this mortal thread with thee and I, Oh...Just wanna explode .
Release all this energy into the cosmos... Blow perceived notions to the edges of heavenly abode.
We, you and me born of the big bang and the resulting cataclysms as Suns became stars, as planets were born of them going supernova.
You make me wanna touch you on your, in your and I, Oh.
Oh I wanna merge into the depths of your Dna and mingle with you psychologically.
I a spark in your synapses, a wet spot in your panties and I, Oh.
I told you I feel you so so long ago...
I think it might have been on a plain in Africa or a playground in Georgia, I born of slaves and free men.
Mixed progeny and here we are homogenized in these times and I, Oh.
Oh I wanna reach out and touch you trembling from the questing of my fingers the manipulations of my tongue.
Pink turning to dark where I would plant seed, watch it dribble between ass cheeks and I, Oh.
I told you so.


Monday, July 11, 2016


What am I if not blood sweat and tears... I man built this country, raised it pon mine back.
I man stood by and watched as my woman bore the progeny of wicked men.
He who would enslave his own seed.
I man cried in the room darkened by night and prayed that I would be free.
That my children might smell the fresh air, breathe of being truly unburdened by the melanin in their skin.
I man hung from trees as my neck attached and tears ran down my cheeks... as I pissed myself.
Salt water so reminiscent of the seas we crossed in the belly of the beast.
Whips, chains and maggots as my soul festered.
I man held on to small remembrances of times past till placed in smalls cages departed from reality.
Some became shuffling versions.
My woman having lost all respect as they took her again and again in the night.
They dressed as the ghosts we had been trained to fear.
Unholy war and the church it did condone these things.
I man scarred from the beatings of life as they called me a worthless nigger and a threat when really I was neither.
I man just a shadow of my former self as the torture continued unabated.
Overseer becoming Officer, Sherif becoming Sheriff and so many of us having sold out.
Wearing the badge with pride and honor as black men caught bullets in their bodies and fell bleeding on the streets.
Angel of death coming to claim their soul, bodies lowered into stolen ground.
I man wondering what I can do to wake just a few...
Start a revolution, spark a new mindset.
They so lost in Hollywood and New York dreams as rappers tear down the last walls of sanity, sell Molly dreams, Crack illusions all while spinning trap music in heavy rotation.
Chalk lines on concrete as I man fall prostrate and pray for the eventual death of my enemy, whoever he may be.
I man done wore to many ass whippings to be afraid.
All this blood, so much sweat and so many tears ago I man decided so.


Sunday, July 3, 2016


Once we were kids in a garden, we laughed we played.
The animals and we, cohabitation complete.
Once we walked next to God.
They say there was no rain.
We infinite.
We born of the cosmos God and the universe Goddess.
It was inevitable that we would challenge our makings and grow.
They would call this growth modern, we in these times while forgetting that once even the wheel was new.
Mans love so deep that man feeling it would bite of forbidden fruit.
Accept death and all the consequences of knowing.
All a man's soul and he would slay lions to prove his prowess... his cunning.
He indebted to you on mitochondrial levels.
You embedded in his very cellular.
You standing beside him as his nations fell and rose.
As pyramids were built of and on Terra firma.
As skyscrapers rose and towered above.
Monuments to him wanting to touch the sky.
Symbols of his manhood.
Monkey bars and swings in the middle of metropolis.
Children's laughter ringing off concrete. Bullets and handguns.
Death and destruction interspersed with the still miraculous birth.
Who are we to be, what are we?
Savage beast or sane man?
Boy or girl? Woman or man?
So much confusion in the garden where once even you and I were innocent kids.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Who do you report when it's Facebook bullying you?
Lately and as a matter of fact earlier I have had my share of run ins with Facebook.
The most disturbing thing is is that it's always about someone reporting me until lately.
Now my poems just disappear from my photo albums.
I love black art and promote it to the best of my ability by featuring it with my poetry. I may not always post the author's name but I never claim credit for the art.
Yesterday I posted a piece called Starkissed and Sonfilled and it garnered some attention because the picture used was a suggestive nude, meaning it hinted at night but was not nude.
Actually it showed less than some of the outfits worn to the BET awards the other night by well respected entertainers.
Today without any warning it was removed from my page. This is the second time this has happened in the past week. The other piece was a semi rap piece and contained no nuclear threats or weapons of mass destruction and it to was removed with no notification or warning.
Now I faint know about you but I calm this censorship and a gross miscarriage of justice and I am going to talk to a lawyer about this.
Someone at facebook needs to be held responsible and accountable for violating my civil rights and liberties.
I thought that in Amerikkka freedom of speech, of expression was supposed to be protected and honored, but I guess that's only when you're white and rich out any trace and gay cause right now my civil liberties are being trod upon and Facebook is giving me no way to stand up to confront or protect myself.
It is as if they are adjusting and abetting bullying by trying to Appease only one segment of the population.
Now in saying that I would like to add that the other scenario is even more frightening.
What is its like people say and Facebook has been turned over to the government and its them doing this to select groups of people, censoring the bad seeds so to speak.
What if you are a bad seed?
It could be you next.
This post is time sensitive so you better read and comment now cause I bet as soon as my Facebook watchdog sees it it's gone.
I've never been one to run or back down from a fight so here I am girding my loins and contacting a lawyer cause it isn't always a bullet to the head that kills ya. It can be as easy as controlling the information.
This is JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY and I'm reporting being harassed on Facebook and possibly by Facebook who is not protecting our showing any concern for me.
What are you gonna do about that?

JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY my This article is also on other social media, and is featured at Blogspot, Tumblr and Google +.
Gotta cover more than one avenue.
If I disappear look for me on my other pages.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Humbly I take my place as a queen by no other name but yours I will carry with honor and respect making a statement that black love matters as I am the nurturer of our roots keeping them fertile with love and devotion. Stand defiantly and fight against those who threaten your position being your eyes and ears while your protecting our home front honoring my position as your queen. I admire your physical attributes the strength in arms that's willing to carry me when I'm to weak to stand, the love you show me daily aswell as your mental strength that helps to keep me focused when I'm losing my vision of our unity when the road gets tough.
Never have I felt the need to surrender my all but trusting you is easy because you have proven yourself worthy and of so much more.These things I say to you without discretion but with sincerity of heart as we continue to fight for our freedom my earth god, teacher and king.

My love celestial and need to tell you these things... I not bound by philosophy nor tethered by psychology would stand beside you a king.
My heart pumping fragments of you mixed in with shards of where we have been, our story the reason I stand the way I do.
A warrior willing to die a thousand and one deaths for you.
I would bear horrendous treatment before i would allow anyone to hurt you.
A flutter of your hair and I berserk would wreak havoc in your honor.
Your homeliness so attractive that my whole insides dissolve into liquid when you are in my arms.
I steel melted down fluid and kicking off sparks
You my cast where I am formed.
A rub against stone and I am the sharpened sword designed to cut those down who would dare to stand in our way.
I born black and proud and looking at you.
My queen, my earth, the cosmos contained in your hair talking of our birth and our enslavement.
I saying the things.


Saturday, June 25, 2016


Every step reminds of the sounds of this clock...
Loud enough to make silence stop
Sitting at this desk all day
Every pore wanting to get away....
To our spot
Been clinching my thighs together so tight....
All day.....
All I can do is pray.....
That when I stand to leave
My skirt doesn't show the cream....
I've already built up for u
Thoughts of u
How...we got this taboo
Know we ain't supposed to do
But black man....
I want u...
And I want you.....
So bad, and it's so bad
I gotta attitude with everyone who ain't u.
Mind racing
I only got so much time to spend replacing
Any thoughts
Of anyone who never got you hard enough
Got u bonded up....
And as soon as the clock says see ya later
I'm on my way
To our spot
To undress....frolic around naked
U walk in....smell my scent....
Lemme captivate you....
Aroma like, "yeah, it's u...."
Tic toc.....
Time is not our friend.....
We ain't gotta pretend
I came here, and u came here....
And by the time we leave
Shit....we both came here.....
Tic... toc
Tic... toc
The drudgery could make a man waste away.
Looking out the window at the world pass by.
Gotta get away.
I see you in my mind's eye and grow heavy against my thigh.
A sudden desire to take you rough.
If only these fools knew.
If I turned around right now.
Shit... I might put out an eye.
Enough of that.
You are my escape from reality.
A secret that could crush me.
Such a great weight we carry.
Maybe that's why we do it so loud... so hard.
I be smiling at these fools...
My mask hiding the truth.
Tic... toc
I would devour you.
Lap you warm and melted from my beard.
Lick dew from your epidermis and slurp tasty nectar from your slit.
The clock finally freeing me I rush to see you, to drink in the lines and various curves of you.
Mmmm , your taste takes me away.
Your smell has me dizzy.
I pull your dreads, a little whimper... Mmmm it drives me wild.
A slap of your ass cheek and you press back against me.
I slide in and suck air across my pursed lips.
So good.... Mmmm.
No time to play cause these stolen moments is all we got.
Tic toc
Got your dick locked
Whatever you wanna call it
I'm holding on..
As hard as I can
As tight as possible my walls descend
Good grip
So cervix feels the top don't wanna let go
So....I ease up
Just enough......
For u to slide back out......
Cuz, King, I swear.....
I was bout to have u begging.....
To be free
Of this beautiful torture of being in me
Lemme flip around...
I mount u with grace
At the same time......I wanna be a disgrace
Wild...fuck u like a need, I crave ur taste
Vampire shit, Fuck my thirst, cum on my face
I'll enjoy the stream
Of semen
Slipping thru creases and.....
Finding its way to my lips
And while I lick my lips....
I glimpse at the time....
Tic toc......
Tic... toc
And your dreds tangled in my fingers.
I weak in the knees.
Never wanna leave... no never wanna leave.
Time a bittersweet thing so fleeting.
This fucking clock...
Tic... toc
Tic... toc.

Sunday, June 19, 2016



In my desire I would ejaculate darkness into you... Fill you up with blackness.
It overflowing and running down in rivulets... Seeding future generations of we born carbonised and melanated, aliens lost in a land ruled by our savage progeny, They born of our queens loins and poised to destroy mother earth.
In my wanting to grow I would plant my thickly in the flexibility that is found in the valley of your lily... notty roots and afro crowns... Shade in which to catch a breeze... a moment of solace as the waves gently whisper our tale... The story of the Alpha and Omega...
A mystical, magical birth told time and time again... Cries of exclamation and spiritual adulation.
In my need I would press greatly into the velvety softness of your forest...  Take a moment to contemplate the complexity... A second to ride the exhilarating highs before experiencing the stomach dropping lows... The smooth slow down at the end... The bump... The departure.
In my desire I would cause you to ooze dew... It the H20 that would sustain us in far distant futures where we would meet our cosmic twins on a far distant world who too had the desire...
They looking out across matter and anti-matter wondering if this is all there is...
In me, in us, in we, I am found desiring the all of you endlessly.
So spiritually.


Saturday, June 11, 2016


In your nappy locs I see infinity. The all of our beginnings.
We at the axis radiating outward and seeding new worlds.
The hue-man factor so profoundly displayed.
In your curves I see I-finity... So phat yet so small, black empress, I and I and the beginning-end, we.
In you I would drop deeply, the very back of you where fluttering your belly pulsates deliciously... I the electricity, you the receptacle... Spark power and light the nation.
In you I soar unlimitedly free, nigga once king I be on the road back. Queen by mine strong side.
We the particular particles of human existence as defined scientifically... these days and we sleep pon potentiality as defined sociologically, such pound as in you I grind, cavort and perform splendidly, your black skin and these juxtapositions presented lyrically.
In your... In you. In us, in we.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016



I just committed an armed robbery, jacked a motherfuckers mind G... Committed straight motherfucking larceny...
AK rat a tat tat lay the fucking crowd down, stand on the table and spray the motherfucking ground, make pussy ass sheep panic, cause mayhem pon the whole damn town... Get yo punk ass down, motherfuckers get down.
Brown noise and adrenalin, African mind, African vision, Zulu going straight the fuck in.
I spin retrograde, I the samurai's blade, red visions take me away, oh so vague, I am abstractions and beautiful serenades.
I just killed a bunch of false notions and parted the Atlantic... cured a chronic asthmatic of his problematic, robbed a system of its diplomatic.
Gorilla in full rage, Lion resplendent in it's golden age, full sage as I press pon page.
Scholar emerging fresh from cave, wisdom brought forth ancient from grave.
I just skirted out on a haters face, skirrtttt and a skeet of mace, me a exit the place, such grace so eloquently displayed.
Poet poised pon the cybernetic highway, scribing sun fire pon the whole of the milky way, universal displays of what I say, a virtual lyrical pyrotechnic display.
I just blew a mind into spatters on a brick wall... Bits, pieces and a mothers bawl.
Verbalist on soap box, I stand tall.