
Thursday, January 22, 2015


The difference my queen is that I would fight for you.
I would rip the blasphemous tongue from the heathens mouth that spoke against you and set it on fire.
Feed it to the vultures and make him or her watch as they hop over and tear it apart... Those vultures
I would fight the enemy in guerilla warfare, I draped in the knowledge of knowing that without you I am just a whisper on a solar wind... Here I am again...

A mere fragment of my potential and I sit here reminiscing over what could have been had not you been hurt before...
Paying for what someone else had done to you.
My love for you still so strong that it makes my heart flutter at the mere mention of your name, I who would have died for you and your honor.
I who would fight the armies of the Pharoah and part theoretical seas, I who would stand with you in sickness and health...
Never have I raised my hands against thee queen, never have I stood and called you vile names yet here I am again...
I a patron in an art gallery where your image graces the wall and flows in my imagination, larger than life itself.
Light falling on your form.
I perusing you, I needing you yet here I am again...
My soul so shattered that I wonder if I will ever stand again, if I have the strength to put into trying to get a woman to see the difference again...
That I am not all men.
That to me you are the most precious gift that Allah gave man after he gave him his breath...
Here I am just a man who would pick you up and carry you across the wasteland.
Here I am...
Alone and so perplexed...
I would fight for you.