
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Okay so it's election day. Once again black people in Amerikkka are voting for the comfortable candidate. 
Not the one who has their best interests at heart. One who cares.
It's really about time we changed the narrative and submitted our own candidate. About time we formed a black party, so to speak.
We are the most underrepresented in this country and it seems many of us are content with that. That's not kosher cause it has lead to our collective current situation. One where we are but tools for the system. Cogs in the machine. Integral but underrated.
It's time that we overstood the true power of money. How it plays such an important part in any quest for any potential true equality. What boycotting really means. Sit ins are cool but that's sheep thinking, protests and riots, to much bloodshed on our part. Boycott, I know y'all get scared when you hear that word having become so dependent on this system. On these people who are still thriving on the labor of your ancestors.
To be blunt, that's slave thinking to me and I would like to think we're quite past that.
Aren't we?