
Thursday, April 23, 2020

(Arm,Leg,Leg,Arm,Head) MANIFEST

I man born of a cosmic sigh...  A ripple in the space time continuum... I man birthed of a star reborn terrestrial in hue-man form... Son of a Sun... Carbon and water... Birth of all life on this planet coded and encoded... Written of in holy scrolls...  There is none as unto I... Nothing I man cannot conquer... My born foretold... My death on this plane imminent... I man a child born of darkness and thrust into blinding light... The shine of a million stars... My skin absorbing thermonuclear power and converting it into my stride... Footprints etched out in the sand... Some light, some heavy... Sometimes I am air... My words on breeze flow... Griot speaking in the firelight... Gyrating bodies bouncing to the big boogity beat... Diversions and inversions... Baptisms and exorcisms... I man born of the big bang speaking these things...
I man the I am.