
Thursday, February 19, 2015


If love is a mountain I am the mangled mass lying at its base...
Not suicide for that would go against who I am.
I was pushed by a cruel wind that filled my clothes, lifted me and sent me falling.
It was not the fall that killed me either.
The fall while hard was rather a pleasant ride.
I not knowing what was happening thought it was just a part of the trip.
I hit the ground godawful hard.
The pain... oh the paiinnnn.
I lying shattered on the ground with rocks pressing into my skin.
My mind unable to function because of the paiiinnn.
My brain... my aching brain.
I slipping into the embrace of darkness where in my cave of solitude I try to reconstruct my pieces.
To set the broken bones and stitch the torn skin of mine emotions.
They lie.
They minimize the hurt of this...
I on bended knee.
My mind, my mind.
Gots ta get it right.
I must be strong for the mountain love looms in my sight.
In the morning I'm gonna climb it again.