
Wednesday, January 6, 2016



Today, yep today, we are gonna discuss Martin Luther King day and black history month and how brainwashed the black people of Amerikkka have been fooled.
Our story did not start in slavery and I hope it does not end with it but given the fact that most black people have been led to believe in Amerikkkan dream I have face the fact that it probably will.
I recently had my DNA tested and found out my roots. My true roots. 
I belong to a haplogroup that traces back to the Pharoah's of ancient Egypt and of that I am very proud.
The thing that most concerns me is that the white media decides who should be the black peoples hero's, they parade these people out every year as the Christian ideal of what we should be.
Docile, peaceful and subservient and the black "leaders" lulled into a false sense of belonging and happy to keep getting your money wholeheartedly endorse this.
Yet if we were to look at his-story we will see that only a few of the white mans hero's or any other races hero's had these quality.
Most of any peoples hero's were militants to the roughest translation of the word, most of them were warriors including the founding fathers of the U.S.KKK. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Patton.
The only difference between these men and Nat Turner is that the white man followed them and believed in his freedom, that they won by killing spies and snitches who threatened their cause. While Nat was betrayed by a "Good Nigga."
We are the only people on earth not willing to fight for our respect cause to say equality demeans us.
It is a misnomer designed to keep us confused.
 It means that we are less than and I ain't endorsing that in any way.
Lets take a look at the people that they don't want us to, Malcolm X for instance who after his reverting to Islam never committed an act of violence against anyone black or white yet the average Christian black minister will tell you that he was violent and that he preached violence when in fact what he preached was self preservation. 
Marcus Garvey the same thing, Huey yep. Assata Shakur, need I go on?
Yet with the endorsement of the black ministers, preachers and freemasons these people were killed and vilified. What is even more horrendous is that given the facts most of these people you call leaders would actually choose to justify what is happening to our youth by playing into the negativity about sagging pants and drugs.
Never mind the fact that the aforementioned drugs were and are being introduced into our neighborhoods by the white man and distributed wholescale across our diaspora.
Yet our focus is being distorted by shows which would make us believe we have "made it", Empire, Atlanta housewives and all the shows where a black man or white woman is the plaything of some white person or rich ghetto.
Fake hair, fake eyes and fake reality cause if you look at the numbers we are still living in poverty and slavery {the Amerikkkan penal system.}
Our children are taught to value things more than they value life and in order to get these things they are taught that they have to work for a white man to get them. That or sell drugs or ass.
Our children are taught to hate the things that make them black like nappy hair and their skin.
They are taught to aspire for the things that will make them fit into a false white ideal.
So around comes Black history Month and the media starts to guide the way we should think by playing the "I Have A Dream Speech and talking about George Washington Carver and Madam C.J. Walker who single handedly set our advancement back by about a trillion years with the thought that you too could have straight hair like your oppressors.
The schools ignore the important contributions of our ancestors like the invention of the system Pi and running water in homes. The media converts black people into white people and we as a people rush out to see white Pharoah's and White Prophets including Jesus Christ while telling you that color does not matter. If that's so why haven't the images been changed to reflect truth?
Yet we choose to ignore these things because of our fear of holy ghosts and a white god.
I know a lot of you will read this and will not comment because of those same fears including a healthy dose of you better not from the white right and your Uncle Ruckus ass minister.
You will ignore the fact that your sons and daughters are being sold a homosexual agenda which further contributes to our extinction and which is now endorsed by a church which just 20 years ago denounced it.
You will continue to not discipline your children, you will continue to let these people tell you whats best even though they are the ones who shoot our children, put the guns in their hands, put the drugs in our communities.
You will do these things because you have no idea how to change the situation and are trained to not see truth.
Jesus woulda done cleared the temple by now.
 You will ignore the facts because of one reason.
Because you are scared to leave massa's system even though its killing you.
Fear is such a powerful emotion.