
Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I see you across the diaspora and my blood begins to beat... Africa... Africa.
Bass so profound that I am swayed in my knees... My warrior dance is magnificent.
One look and I am dragged through the whole of his-story, you queen and my seed the prototypical.
We in great cities where we built pyramids dedicated to the stars we had come from... dedicated to the all of our existence.
We in villages where there was no one for the whole was all we were.
My third eye tingles and I see through the layers of deceit, the degrees and the decrees.
G's, Squares and all the levels.
Psychological chains made of the flesh of our ancestors as we built new countries on stolen land... We so disconnected that we can't see the we of who we be.
Contact lenses and false equality... Equal to the beast makes we beastial as we kill each other indiscriminately in these mean city streets.
The silver cord that connects my physical to my submentality shudders with the mass of information that I receive upon recognition of you metaphysically.
When I see the sociological and psychic ramifications of I dying time and time again.
The whip, The tree, The chains... Sharks follow slaveships and eat of human debris.
My child cut from your womb so viciously.
You praying that he will not be man.
Please Jesus let this not be a boy.
My optics take you in and my neurons and synapses process you immediately for I knew of you before my amniotic suspension... Before I seed and egg became a rapidly expanding mass of cells.
We the children of the cosmos born of thermonuclear fission... Ashes, dust and water.
We the reaction and the result.