
Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Jasper looks at him and says "Are you just going to stand there?"
Ishmael looks around the room and starts to walk.
The walls are lined with books
It is a library but it is more.
The ceiling is part glass and Ishmael looks up at the sky.
He looks around and is awestruck.
There are things prehistoric in glass cases, artifacts and paintings… This is a museum as well.
He feels the things in this room and as he runs his hands across the shaft of a spear he is suddenly transported onto a battlefield where he smells the sweat of a man and looks into his eyes as the spear is thrust into his heart.
He draws his hand away quickly.
Jasper laughs and says "That is an imprint. Our kind has the ability to pass information in that way long after our deaths.
We die, but we live many normal human lives before we do."
The boy asks him "What are we?"
Jasper looks at him and sighs "We are they who have always been... What I am saying is that we are a spark of the original creation.
The original blueprint so to speak.
We are contained in the melanin and passed along, everyone is not us but we are everyone.
In past times we were prophets and generals, kings and queens.
We have sparked religions and we have been persecuted, locked away.
All of us have telepathic abilities and we are able to leave markers for each other.
Some you find alive and thriving, others have passed away.
Some are never found."
Ishmael sits and ponders these things for a minute before he says "So why have you come now? Why didn't you come when I was younger?"
Jasper looks him in his eyes and says "Because I had to make sure i didn't have to kill you."
Ishmael looks at him and says "I knew that.
You still don't know do you?"
Jasper answers "No.
Even at your young age you are formidable, you are able to manipulate things. 
Only a few have been able to do that, we can read minds and in some instances see the future, but to be able to manipulate air and molecules.
That is power.
You have reached the age of transition and are being escorted in from the desert.
The things that you will learn will make you better able to control your destiny and to fulfill it as well.
Come let me show you some things."
They turn and walk over to a stand where a statue stands.
It is distinctly a black man and Jasper says "He was one of us, one of our greatest, his knowledge still controls destinies today.
The name has been changed and in a lot of instances he is portrayed as semitic but he was an original man just as we are.
Do you know what semitic means?"
Ishmael shakes his head no.
"It basically means half, semi is a fraction.
Now ask yourself this question. If a man is half, what is he half of?
He was formed of the union of a leper and an original man or woman.
If he were born in this country he would be considered black.
What makes him a semite?
See, its because he retains enough of the original man not to be classified as a leper.
When I say leper do you know what I mean?
Ishmael says "They are in the bible."
Jasper looks at him and smiles "Yes they are. In many instances people were classified as lepers in ancient societies when they were born albino and were cast out of their societies.
They lived as animals and eventually migrated to the Caucus mountains.
Remind me to show you that on a map one day."
Ishmael nods his head and says "Okay." 
Read that name on the plaque in front of you.
Ishmael reads the name out loud.
Do you know who he was?
"Well I think that's a good place for you to begin your education."