
Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Another day in this dungeon resembling hell where we modern dwell... Amerikkkan dreams of racial superiority perpetrated heinously on city streets... Cops kneeling on yet another original man's neck... Whites running round this motherfucker unchecked... Bout a whole bunch a funky ass bullshit... The rope, the prison cell and the bullet... As we prototypical find ourselves involved in a deadly ballet... Bodies pirouetting to solid ground... Ants caught in blood drown... We divided and conquered it would seem... Sold on a whitewashed dream... Enough to elicit bloodcurdling screams... Voices falling into the dizzying depths of the bottomless pit... These tomes manifesting essential spit... Here we are pontificating again as a black body cools on a slab... Callously murdered and splayed cross screens... Object of discussion and memes... Such a sadly perpetuating theme... Crump and his cronies circling the rotting corpse of hue-manity... Shotgun blasts roaring out and shattering tranquility... Another black body... Oh the insanity.

JERALD hamzahfaruq MURPHY