
Sunday, December 30, 2018


Today I'm going to write about police harassment. I don't mean as a whole only but how it's affecting my life.
I am currently considering hiring a lawyer to represent me as well as filing suits in state and federal court.
Last month while riding my bike through FSU campus at night I was stopped and issued a trespassing warning because as the officers put it "someone's been stealing bikes."
From this I inferred that the thief must be a black man or that they were suspecting all black men.
Mind you I have a business which places me on campus a lot. I have done business on campus since 1977 when I was12 years old and have never had an incident with the FSU police, criminal or otherwise.
The 5 officers who stopped me played good cop bad cop and fired questions at me. I in my frustration answered them but I didn't answer them to the satisfaction of a couple of officers.
They then checked my record (which I must admit is long. The latest incident was in 2009 or 10 and was a bad check. Not fraud or uttering, it was a mistake between my bank and I
I now have begun to notice a certain officer who follows me even off FSUs property. He even harassed me in front of witnesses who are willing to testify in court. A few of them being FSU boosters. White and black.
He cited facts that are in fact blatant lies and used charges that I was exonerated on. This in an attempt to degrade my character.
He was hostile and very loud and aggressive.
If he had his body camera on you can view the footage.
In short I feel like the brother thrown out of the Doubletree this week.
It's time the police and society are not allowed to slander, attack and harass us. This is JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY saying help me take a stand against police brutality.



Saturday, December 29, 2018


She fell from the sky in super slow motion.
Her every move defined, a tad bit refined, so delicate her descent.
I man rush to the place where she makes contact.
Slightly taken aback by her form I gasp.
I hear the voice of the Universal All as it speaks. It's voice that of man yet something else.
She opens her eyes and I,  yeah I am lost.
I see the cosmos spinning in the depths.
Darkness, nay light.
I speak and she has the other tones in the Universal's.
My heart rejoices for there is none as unto she.
I so lonely in such a magnificent place.
She moves and I notice her intricacies.
She reflects the doe, the flower, the water.
She is splendiferous.
My, my.
I take her hand.
Come let me show you.


Friday, December 28, 2018


I'm going to have to say something that I think the police, the sheriff and the media has been hesitant to say in Tallahassee.
Having long term memory can be such a curse.
I think that there is a serial killer operating in Tallahassee.
I mentioned this to my sister and mom over two years ago and offered up the proof. Eventually they listened and when I said it at the Christmas dinner they had to agree. The facts are to blaring not to miss.
Alexandria Reshard is probably his latest victim, ironically I have known her mother since we were teens. I do not know the names of all the victims but I remember the timeline, my sister who went missing in 1994 also fits into the timeline.
From here say I also know that most of the women's bodies found bear similarities which cry out a pattern. I am going to name the women whose bodies were found that I remember, there are more and almost all of them were found in the winter months which also suggests a pattern.
These names are in reverse and lead back to the first woman found in the late 80s or early 90s.
Alexandria Reshard.
The tall white woman nicknamed Frankenstein.
Wanda Mott.
The first woman found was found on the side of Ferrell's plaza on Old Banbridge Rd in Frenchtown a long time ago. Her head was severed.
There are others but I can't remember them all. The thing that these women have in common is that they were either prostitutes or spent a lot of time in the streets.
When I first proposed doing this article I was told that I would become a target, they meant from the killer and the police but I have no fear of either, I walk with the universal truth.
This is JERALD HAMZAHFARUQ MURPHY and this is my theory.