
Sunday, June 24, 2018



And I a man looked upon you as no other man ever could or will.
I appreciating every last wrinkle and line.
The rise of your hips and the very deep brown of your eyes.
The way you lick your lips and the lilt of your voice.
How it makes the very Beast rise from the blood coursing through mine veins.
He heavy and hard and pressing against the very fabric of mine pants.
Such a conundrum art thou as I try to relate these things to you.
The very depths of the Eloquent Beasts heart.
The true dimensions of his love, such cosmic implications.
These things I would leave behind for you, all of them.
Such a love that it would be written in the stars.
Sun upon Son witnessing the union of we as we big bang.
As we sit on the beach and watch the waves kiss the land.
As we create planets and moons, cognizant life and living fools.
Those who would not overstand the true expanse of who and what we are.
The truth of our being as we helix merge and become these new entities.
I a man look upon you as no other man ever could or would.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

In The Beginning As Explained At The End

Man, such an imposing figure on planet earth.
He trying to alter a thing that was in fact created perfect.
Foolish man.
Following other men in destroying himself and everything in his path.
Man, it could all be so simple.
The earth in all its pain tries to correct mans wrongs, his violent rape as the earth screams in pain.
No Vaseline.
If only, if only man were truly the spiritual being he calls himself and herself as immersed in prayer.
Religiosity destroying man from within, the words of other men having become the words of God.
Foolish man as he offers words of prayer to a hungry man while walking into a restaurant to eat.
Looking at his fellow being from behind a glass.
Magnified and insignificant, life as designed while existing in a fish tank.
Babies raised as social experiments, food to feed the beast God Corporation.
Lord of it all as man and woman flock to the malls, the specialty clothing stores to prove themselves worthy of existing in a state of false God adulation.
To prove themselves better than other men who may have it all figured out.
Living on truly cosmic vibrations, the true definition of God.
He or she exiting in everything from the smallest particle to the largest living thing.
The periodic table to the helix of his design.
God defined, mans design.
And man still doesn't get it because he has been made blind.
Wandering in a desert of his minds design.
Foolish man.
And Gaia cried.

Jerald HamzahFaruq Murphy