
Monday, January 30, 2023


The earth it listens as the breeze whispers through the leaves.
Breathe in, breath out.
These lives and it all seems so mundane, these things we hold sacred.
These lives but a blip in time, we trying to leave a mark.
A memory.
Who we were, who we are, who we wanna be, these soliloquies.
A whisper of the breeze, so many seeking eternity on bended knee.
A sigh, a cry into the antimatter of space, the stars twinkle unsynchronized.
Babies born with so much potential, wicked systems holding it at bay.
Humanity locked in a subconsciously built cage. Some it would seem driven by a savage rage, roaring in the storm.
They who rule the masses, vampires roaming on sunny days.
The meek while smart so weak, so confused, not knowing how to be free.
Poverty itself a power, if only they would rise.
The breeze, the breeze it ripples through the leaves.