
Monday, July 23, 2012



We... you and I are the impossible brought to life by the hands of a most gracious Allah.
He who knows our form better that any scientist taught in any school.
The first man was formed naked as was the first woman from the thought... Be.
He... Creator of the spark that ignites in the synapses... that beats these hearts.
For what are we but super computers governed by electrical impulses...
The tree can be manipulated but can man make a seed... a blade of grass from the sun and the soil?
From the moment of conception to the time of death we are but carbon and water in living form.
A breath as angels stood by magnificent in radiant fyah... wings that covered the sky.
Across the burning sands of time... across the waters of the parted Red Sea...
Secrets of the ancients in our unification as we are kept at odds... Fed a mass media reality propagandous in nature.
Our moment so short as history repeats itself over and over... knowledge gained... knowledge lost.
From us nations have spawned and been crushed... From us civilization sprung.
Ages of stone, bronze, iron, and steel.
Prophets who stood on mountaintops with the wind in folds of robes speaking to the amassed masses...
Prostrated as bushes burned and messages came from the very molecules of the air...
Died at the hands of the congregation as they followed the words of man.
All these things so impossible to imagine are but truth contained in mans cellular structure.
Black is the sun... black are the sons.