
Friday, March 29, 2013



Sampson wakes and walks out of his room.
It is predawn and the day is beginning. When you live far out thats how things are. Animals wake before most humans.
The men sit at the table and begin to eat. His mother talks about some curtains she saw at the store that she wants and he and his dad look at each other devilishly.
The curtains are out in the barn and they are her birthday present.
It has been two years since the incident with the lion and Sampson seems to have taken on the attributes of the lion.
He moves fluidly and his voice is like a soft roar.
He leans back and almost tips his chair and his parents laugh at him.
His dad tells him to make sure that he is home by dinner and they exchange that look again.
Sampson stands and kisses his mother on the cheek and she giggles and hits him with the towel she is holding and her smile lights up the room.
His father kisses her a well and they leave the room together and walk onto the porch.
When they are away from the house his father touches him on the arm and signals for him to follow him. They walk into the barn and his father turns around and looks at him and begins to talk "Son I have talked to you since you were a boy and I swear you done absorbed all that anda whole lot more.
I bet you and that dog got some stories to tell." He looks at the dog and the dog looks at him as if to say "Yes we do."
He continues... "Son you know how we ended up here, and that your real mama died that day but God gave you another mama. Son we were blessed and I think you got something to do with that too. You are the best son a man can have, you listen and follow instructions and yet you have your own thing.
 I have showed you how to work with wood and you showed me some things too. Those statues you make are almost beyond description.
I want to give you something today son. Its the only thing that I have to remind me of your mother besides her wedding ring but I feel that it should be yours."
He goes to a corner and pulls a trunk from under some blankets and stuff and opens it and reaches deep inside. He pulls a small black box from it and looks at it for a second before he opens it and extracts a gold chain with a gold charm on it. He opens it and looks at it for a second before handing it to his son.
Sampson takes it and looks at the picture and his breath escapes him. This is the woman from his dreams.
"Thats your real mama son but you know that you got two real mamas son.
Son the funny thing is that I swear when I woke up I saw a man walking into the woods and he must have been an angel cause his skin was black and white, I wonder if that was just the bump on my head but I also think that that was God sending an angel."
Sampson looks at his father and he walks up to him and hugs him. It is something that he has not done in a long time and his father is stunned.
They talk a little while longer and Sampson begins his chores.
Later that morning he is miles away at the camp of Melchizedek and he shows the picture to Melchizedek and he says "Yes she was beautiful."
He says it in a way that implies that he knew her and he begins his tale.
" I heard the sounds of battle from the forest where I was hunting and came from the woods at an angle where I was not seen, I saw the white men shoot first one man and then another. I saw a woman with a small babies and the man protecting her. I saw when she was shot and fell with the baby under her. I prayed that he lived in that second. Time freezes in battle. You now know that.
The mn who was protecting the woman went wild at that moment and he grabbed a shovel and knocked one of the white men from his horse. It was at this moment that I took one of the arrows from my back and put it through another of the white devils eye sockets. That was when one of them rode up behind the black man and knocked him out. I knew I had to act fast to save him. I took another arrow out and thats when they opened fire. I was in an open area and knew I had to lead them away from the man and I ran into the trees. They gave chase but I eluded them. They knew that they might be discovered at any moment and they left. I watched as they looted the wagons and packed their dead friend and the wounded one into a wagon. I guess they figured the man would die and they left. I came from the trees and checked on the man and the baby and they were both okay. I placed the child back with his mother and went into the woods again. I watched the man wake up and followed him as he walked to the town.
Something in the child's eyes when I checked on him told me he was special and I wanted to see him safe.
I have been here every since."

If you wanna see the rest you have to let me know.