
Wednesday, August 7, 2019


In these times the people they are on disconnect... All this fucked up shit happening right in motherfuckers eyes and still they no see... So much suffering in the midst of all this plenty... Land as far as a man can see...
So many crowded in city streets. So much insanity labeled mental as long as it's Caucasian... As long as the shooter looks like them... Motherfuckers out here want me to feel pity... Not for the motherfucking beast... Not in this reality... Whole countries decimated to rubble by barbaric needs... Guns and pussy... Crosses and cannons... Trump on the TV pushing racist regime... White superiority the speech on repeat... Preachers on the pulpit praying to the system... God having become an afterthought... White Jesus the mentality reigning supreme... These nightmares are fragments of the Amerikkkan dream... Babes suckling at the breast of the machine... Kindergarten all the way to college... Pawns suffering under corrupt ass kings and queens... Babies twerking on phone and laptop screens... Gunshots in Walmart... Dead bodies and bone chilling screams... The end descending upon us it seems... So much summed up in such simplistic memes... In other times we would've went to war by now...
In these times these words fall in synchopated lines... In these times they fall on deaf ears... In these motherfucking times they done flipped the motherfucking rhyme.