
Friday, March 23, 2012



In this installment of our course plan we will explore what a hero really is. I will come at this from a lot of different ways and I encourage elaborations from the readers.
First lets give an example of a hero as he has been introduced to us by the white man.
To the white man a hero is someone who does whatever it takes to benefit the white race. No matter what the means.
Take for instance the great Amerikkkan hero Andrew Jackson who is idolized on the 20 dollar bill and who was called old hickory cause he would whup that ass. That in itself is not a bad thing but Andrew Jackson also had a dark partner and he was a homocidal murderer who wore the skin of one of his victims on his feet. He killed hundreds of native Americans and Africans during his year as a general. Most of them in cold blooded contempt.
Yet every thing he did, he did for the Amerikkkan interest. That is what made him a hero to the white folks.
There are examples of this in African history as well.
Nat Turner was a hero. He fought for African freedom in a world where Africans were viewed as even beneath the animals. 
Now lets take a deep look at the way that Nat's rebellion is worded whenever you read it from the white mans standpoint.
What Nat led has been called a slave rebellion, an slave insurrection, and a slave uprising. The word that really does strike me is slave. See, what the fuck was good about slavery? What made it wrong for Nat and the other people who were with him want to be free? Hmmmmm?
Now lets go to another word which I see time and time again surrounding Nats glorious attempt to free my ancestors.
That word is terrorize, as a matter of fact that word is still in play today in another form and it was used to succesfully lead the white people of this country into a senseless and futile war in recent years.
Okay I wonder why it was wrong for Nat to do this when the very atmosphere of a black mans life in Amerikkka at that time was terror. See the trickory? 
As a matter of fact not much has changed for black people to this day.
Look at how Obama is portrayed by the media and how he is viewed by your average white person. He is portrayed as ineffectual and the media has diassociated itself from him in various ways while feeding you just enough to make it seem that he has done nothing. I myself am not a fan of politricks cause I know what is going on, yet I will offer this... The white man is playing the race card and the black people are sleeping.
Newt Gingrich will really put your ass back on the plantation really quick if he ever gets the chance but who won the primary last night? 
Obama has created jobs and economic growth but is that ever addressed by the white or even the black media? Hell no! Cause they want you to vote for who they approve. Yet even if you vote they can overturn that and put who they want in office.
Fuckery plain and simple.
So in closing this segment of the lesson I ask you the question... Who are your hero's and who approved them for you?


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