
Friday, April 26, 2013



Sampson hears a bird call and steps from the side of the house and the white men see him at exactly the same time.
The white man on the right suddenly stands there with an arrow sticking out of the front of his head and the back.
Sampson draws the gun from his side and pumps a bullet into the head of the other white man and all hell breaks loose as they hear people running through the house and see curtains in windows flutter as shots start to ring out.
Sampson and Melchizedek retreat behind an overturned wagon.
They hear a voice from the house yelling as it tells everyone to stop shooting.
The shots cease for a minute and they hear some one yell "Who the hell are you?"
Melchizedek says one thing and he does not yell but his words carry across the now silent yard. 
"We are your death."
At this the shooting from the house erupts again and they hear the voice telling them to stop shooting you damned fools.
"Thats that goddamn painted nigger!"
"He killed my pa!"
Suddenly the door busts open and a boy who can't be a year or two older than Sampson runs from the house with a rifle in his hand. 
Sampson rolls on the ground and puts a bullet in his chest and the day erupts in more gunfire.
Sampson is now closer to the house than Melchizedek and he looks back to see Melchizedek pulling some special arrows from the quiver.
He lights them and starts to shoot them at the house.
They break glass and set curtains on fire in all the windows and as men try to put out the fires Sampson and Melchizedek pick them off.
They know that this place is a hideaway and that there are no women here so they show no mercy.
As soon as the white men realize what is happening they start to panic and run from the house and two of them make it to a stack of wood in the yard.
One of them is suddenly hit from the side and has his throat ripped out by the dog and the white men scatter in confusion.
Others hide behind various things in the yard and they pop shots at the black men. 
Sampson stands and starts to shoot and every one of his shots hits a white man and he seems to blend into the day as he does a savage dance of death.
He moves and uses their fallen guns as he runs out of bullets.
Though full of death his dance is beautiful.
Melchizedek also stands and the remaining white men even though they hold guns feel their souls tremble.
Soon there is only one white man remaining and he stands and Sampson shoots him in the arm.
They white man drops his gun and falls to his knees as Sampson and Melchizedek walk up to him and the dog sits in front of him and looks at him with his head cocked to the side.
He looks up and sees Sampson and says "Who are you?"
Samson is still wearing the black scarf across his eyes and he says "I am your worst nightmare white man. I am the Lonesome Stranger.
He takes one of his now empty pistols and loads it. He does not talk and he finishes loading it and shoots the white man between the eyes. 
He and Melchizedek and the dogs turn and walk away before melting into the trees.
They do not notice the little white boy in the window of the burning house.
He climbs from the window and walks to where his fathers body lies and falls to the ground beside it.
The legend of the Lonesome Stranger is born.


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