
Friday, August 26, 2016

Looking into her eyes and a man fell spiraling into love quite like a pine seed falling to earth.
Such a bittersweet thing, they separated by the miles.
From afar he watched her spread her wings and grow... From afar his heart and cerebellum ached.
He quite smitten yet unable to feed his infatuation.
Sad days and the man walked the sad walk of loneliness.
The people saw it in his face, his eyes.
They asked him why he never smiled and he just looked at them like mosquitoes, always buzzing and blood sucking.
She the one and only thing that would satisfy him.
He loved her mind so.
She a beautiful flower grown in the rough, she a clear stream singing such a sweet song as it trickles by.
A sip... So refreshing.
One day... One day she went away and the man into funk fell.
So deep and the darkness... Oh the darkness was deep but the man having lived previous live knew, if she was meant to be they would cross paths again.
He trodding through this life knew.
He in his way waited... And waited... And waited.
One day Lo and Behold she appeared and spoke the mans name.
Oh the glory!
And he rejoiced.
His heart... Oh his heart.
He rejoiced.

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