
Monday, July 8, 2019


Here I man sit lost in these thoughts roaming free in mine thoughts.
So many experiences and I man take a breath of the cosmos for I man dwell in everything, everything in I man.
I man have felt so happy, so sad.
All of these things on I man's mind.
The woman I man dreamed of and the women that I man found.
Of love so tangible it had a taste... Bittersweet if I man recollect as it ended, twisted and jumbled on the dressing floor.
I man pirouette.
She lingers in I mans epidermis, fills the crevasses of I mans psyche, her smell permeating the caverns of I mans subconscious.
I man, so lonely in this plethora, no one to share these things, I mans tears falling into the pool of blackness from whence I man came.
Echoes of I man resounding off the walls.
I man falling, falling.


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