
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Without you I am but a white mans plaything, food for his entertainment... a jungle bunny dancing to his beat.
Without me you are a whore spread wide for him to fuck... A wide mouth to suck his dick... Worship his hair and his pale skin.
Once he brought us over in slaveships and locked us away in cages... Made us lower than animals in our minds... broke us down and made us docile... Made us police ourselves to further his gain... "Im'ma tell massa" and all that.
"I will kill you myself before I let you harm massa!"
Bent down on knees and praying to massa... Save me massa! Take me and give me a bloodbath in my children's blood.
Massa obliges and builds more cages, makes more guns, all while spouting freedom... The judge the grim reaper handing down sentences of life.
Sitting in masonic positions on the courthouse wall... Lets make a freemason so he can spread this ignorance in the church... Call it religion and make it pretty.
Without you my story would have ended like the Arawak's, ended like the Mayan's, Whole races obliterated as thought was made Manifest Destiny...
White man as God... Annuit Coeptis as he slaughters us in the streets and calls us the problem...
White man as Pharoah, his coffers so full that he allows grain to spoil and controls the price of oil...
See if you had died my memory would be controlled by his-story and I would be not...
I buried before my born.
As plain as the writing on the dollar bill... Novus ordo seclorum as the choir sings in harmony and the preacher prances and sways, calling for peace in the face of annihilation...
Underlining chapters and verses and giving half the explanation... So many of them who don't even know their own history... Those Christians.
Born at the end of a sword... Knights Templar and Prieure de Sion... Holy wars waged for control of minds for centuries to come...
Ancient artifacts destroyed to hide the truth... The fact that Jesus was black... The fact that The Way of living was The Way he lived...
Heads chopped off and hung from poles to warn of following what Jesus really brought.
Without you I wouldn't have woken to fight another day... Wouldn't have learned these things... Without you I would be a distant memory.


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