
Friday, May 1, 2015


Love and I were taking a stroll... My friend dog sniffing the weeds and looking for her arch enemy squirrel would stop every so often and perk her ears, sniff the air.
Love I said why has thou been so hard on me, I am but one man?
Love took a moment and picked up a rock, Love turned the rock over in his hand and showed it to me.
See this rock? Love asked.
I nodded.
This rock is what your heart would be if you did not know me.
It is emotionless and aspires to nothing.
It only moves when it is disturbed by the passing car or truck... By my hand.
This rock cares not if I crack it into a million pieces or if I fling it away.
At that love took the rock and hurled it away it hit the railroad tracks with a ping and settled among the other rocks.
Love asked me, Could you find that rock right now among the many other rocks.
I answered, No.
Exactly, Love said as we continued to walk.
I was not fully satisfied by Love's answer and I asked Love, Love I have met women and spoken your name to them, told them of how I and you would give our all to them... Even when they hurt me I stayed with them... In your name Love I stayed.
Love continued to look into the distance and said, Would you give up the good times you had in my name?
The kisses... The sex?
The children that were born?
I said, Of course not.
Love said, Those things were lessons to show you that you were capable of knowing me just as the pain you felt let you know the same.
If not for those things you would not be who you are today.
When you called on me today I felt you.
You want to know me again... Nay you already have spoken of me to someone.
You have whispered of me in the bright light of day, the darkness of night.
You have professed me undying have you not?
Yes, I said.
I continued, But love I am afraid.
What if once again you fade away and I am left to wander alone?
The purgatory of not having you again where I in limbo wander among man incomplete.
Love picked up another rock and asked of me, Would you rather be this rock?
I answered, Of course not.
Love looked at me and in his eyes I saw the billions as they swirled in his irises... I have shown you trust and betrayal, hate and lust.
I have shown you the agony of loss and have given you the joy of having...I have made you stand strong in weak moments and made you face things you would not have faced any other way.
Would you callously throw this lessons away.
Again I answered, No.
Love smiled, I rather enjoy the smell of honeysuckle in bloom.
Love and I continued our conversation as dog sniffed the bushes and marked her spots.
I so glad to see Love again cherished his presence and asked of him questions whose answers I already knew.
Love again had come into my life.
Master and student we conversed.

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