
Monday, March 26, 2012


THE LONESOME Hamzah Faruq 

and i bring the music for this adventure

In the night doth he ride into town. A shadow so dark that light is sucked into his embrace. The hooves of his horse sound like slow drumbeats as he rides into town with his head held down. Whispers fall from the lips of those who stand around, "its the Lonesome Stranger. At his passing pants are left wet and some have shitted their drawers, for they know that where he goes evil stands no chance. He rides his horse up to the hotel and slides to the ground. His spurs seem to make an unnatural chime. As he walks in the light from the hotel illuminates his figure, a bad ass motherfucker, the scourge of the villains. At the sheriffs office the men tell the tale. The Lonesome Stranger is here from the depths of vengeance hell. Mothers in their house shiver at the name. For where he rides things suffer a change.
The stranger sees her as soon as he leaves the hotel. Such beauty that bards shall tell the world of she, a story that shall cross even the seas. "Hello" He says as she rushes past for if the stories are true she is not the first and will not be the last. The stranger looks at the night sky and blows out smoke. Of the joint in his lips does he take a final toke. Business is business and he walks down the boardwalk towards the saloon where the music is loud and the drinks are just fine. The doors swing open and the men glance around. "Oh shit!" says one as he walks to the bar. At the table to the right of him sits a group of men. They are who he has come to see. He walks over and takes the seat that is offered. He looks at the man across from him and the words from his mouth seem to freeze the air as they fall from his lips. "You killed my friend you son of a bitch." The man looks at him and a smile crosses his face it is wiped away as suddenly as he utters his next phrase. "And what the fuck are you going to do about it in this town, my place? The stranger stands and says to him I will see you in the street at 10:00am. The people of this place rest uneasy that night for they know that tomorrow may be their last. The stranger has left so much destruction in his path. The sun in the morning seems to hang back a bit, like it does not want to have anything to do with this shit. The man stands in the road and looks around. It is 9:59 where is he? There is a shimmer in the distance and the man squints his eyes. From the air, from the dust does the Lonesome Stranger appear. He walks up the street to where the man stands and as he walks small dust storms are formed from his trench coat's wake. A cloud of shadows seems to walk up with him. The man licks his lips in apprehension as the stranger comes to a stop almost 10 feet away from him. The man yells out to the stranger "You gone die here today stranger!" The stranger looks at him and says "I hope so." The man says "stranger we got you surrounded! The stranger says "I know, now lets get this fucking show on the road." The man reaches at his holster and the hands of the stranger move so fast that they are almost impossible to see. He draws two nickel plated revolvers from his jacket and drills a hole right between the mans eyes. Gunfire erupts and the stranger disappears into a cloud of smoke and dust. He fires again and again and each time he does a man falls. This is his home this lovely thing called war. The gunfire recedes and only one man stands on the street there are no moans for all of them are dead. The stranger whistles and his horse comes out. He climbs on its back as a figure comes out of a door. She looks at him and he reaches down and sweeps her up. The undertaker will not be the only happy man today.


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