
Tuesday, March 27, 2012




 Once again I find myself on a journey in search of my Rarebreed. Across frozen tundra and into the mountains, a landscape so hostile that men have died and remain frozen in ice..frozen in time. Curse this life where I can only know happiness for a moment. I am on foot for my horse died days ago, his flesh is in my bag food for my journey. I see lights reflected in the clouds above my in a black sky. The only thing that has kept me alive is my thoughts of my Rarebreed. Fire burns in my soul and courses through my veins, lave that creates a haze of smoke which surrounds me as I creep to the rocks. I peek out and I see sentrys, giants who hold weapons that are taller than me and weigh twice as much. I notice that there are six of them. They are monstrosities. The teeth that jut from their bottom jaws are like tusks. They have four arms which are corded with muscles. I have never been one to run from a fight. I come from hiding and set off at a steady trot. The first giant that sees me roars and the others turn as his roar echos across the night. I go directly at him with my bow drawn. I shoot an arrow and it only causes him to swat at it like a fly. I shoot another at his crotch and it causes him to drop to his knee. I throw my bow down and as he tries to rise I run up the blade of his sword and thrust my sword into his eye. He falls like a mighty tree in the forest. his comrade has a broad axe and it is about 10 feet long, he swings at me with a downward stroke and I feint to the left and it slices through the neck of his downed friends neck. I jump onto the handle of his axe and as he raises it I use the momentum to land on his back. I plunge my sword into his neck over and over until I sever his spine, he falls paralyzed to the ground. He will never rise again. I see the other monsters comming at me and i decide to give them a taste of the true power of Samspade. I plunge my sword into the ground and clap my hands together and I disappear, as soon as I touch my sword it disappears also. They stop and look around in confusion. I calmly walk up to the one which is closest to me and stab my sword into his leg. He swats with his sword which is taller than me and he misses me.I do this to all of them and they are so stupid that they forget about me and start to fight each other in the confusion, I leave there dumb asses fighting and move towards the castle. All of a sudden a huge serpent appears from my right. He heads straight at me, my invisibility does not fool him he senses my heat. He stops and coils to strike and I run to the wall and do a backflip as he strikes. His snout smashes into the wall and it almost knocks him out. I use this moment to jump on his head and plunge my sword into his brain. I drop my invisibility spell and enter the castle by climbing the wall. I guess they never thought that a man could get this far. They were wrong. I drop to the other side of the wall and reach the square inside. I head towards the reach where I see a lone window that is lit. I see a form pass thewindow and I instantly know that it is my Rarebreed. My rage is so great that I gnash my teeth in anger. I hear a suond and suddenly three hounds appear. They are beasts that look as if they were created in a corner of hell best forgotten. I step back and draw my short swords, this will be close work. They attack and I bend the fabric of time I am suddenly three times as fast as them and I step to the middle of them and slash and thrust until they are no more. I am covered in the blood of them and I wear it like a badge of courage. I step away and enter the door at the bottom of the reach and climb the stairs. I am almost at the top when I see a form which is draped in a cloak. A mage! He raises his hand and a blue ball of flame rises in his hand, he throws it and it it explodes against the wall behind me. FUCK THIS SHIT!!! I draw on my reserves and summon my spirit which is fire, it flows through my body and I stand with my arms outstreached, two balls of fire appear in my hands and I clap them together. The fire flows into one and engulfs the mage. I move past him and smell his burning flesh. I see the door to her room and I kick it open, She is so lovely that my breath is taken away for a moment before she falls into my arms. My Rarebreed.

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