
Sunday, March 25, 2012



As the dreamer had grown in knowledge he had begun to realize just how dangerous the secret societies really were.
As the dreamer had grown up and started to study he had learned of the number 12 which was the number of transition. Jesus and the twelve disciples, King Author and the knights of the round table, even the tarot which features 13 cards in its deck. As he made these connections he noticed how on the dollar bill this number features greatly in the concepts of the society that formed the government of America.The Bilderberg society has 39 members who are broken down into groups of 13 and it just goes on and on.
So many people follow the concepts of the darkness that they are unwilling or unable to truly fathom just how ingrained these concepts are in their own minds. What is legal and illegal, who is good and who is bad. What makes liquer legal and marijuana illegal when we know that liquer has killed and will kill more people this month than have been killed by marijuana in the last century. As the dreamer read more and more he found that the temple where the ark of the covenent was kept burned incense and one of the ingredients of this incense was kaneh bosem which today translates to the word cannabis.
The dreamer knew that he had to be diligent because many of the people who said that they fought against the darkness were merely puppets of the darkness. The teachings that they read were teachings that had been altered in ancient times by these same societies which controlled the world today.
The dreamer had had to realize that in a lot of instances his freedom and his life depended on his ability to hide who he was from the secret societies as well as the masses. Many times he had been hunted by the secret societies and had faced imprisonment not for the crime that they said he commited but for his ideals. 
The dreamer also knew that for man to truely be free of these concepts it would take a total re-education of the masses. One that was not controlled by the darkness This was what really made the dreamer a threat and a thorn to the darkness. For the average christian to realize that Jesus called god allah, or that the early christians were killed by the roman catholics in the formative years of modern christianity because they did not agree with the decrees.
These were things that made the dreamer a threat.
And the dreamer continued to spread truth.
As the dream raged in his being. 

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