
Sunday, March 25, 2012





Once upon a sunny day in a modern temple babylon as the birds sing and the breeze tickles the leaves of the trees, and the sun shines its warming light. A 10 dollar trick in a house of ill repute in the darkest part of the city hears her baby cry from hunger as she looks up into the face of the man whose dick she is sucking as cars rushed by on the way to better days. A child passes by on the sidewalk and he kicks a can on the way to school, He pauses as he thinks he hears a baby crying. Meanwhile the dope man stands on the corner in 150 shoes waiting for the woman to finish with her trick so he can call it a night.

A politician sits in his office with his door closed and his secretary on her knees giving him head. Laid back and thinking of the new law that will make it easier to take the life of young black men who think that the only way out of the hell that they dwell in is to push a chemical disease that the politicians friends bring in on big ships, in the holds of planes that land on private airstrips. His secretary finishes and smiles up at him. Good to the last drop.

A lawyer sits in a restauraunt across the table from the prosecuting attorney as they discuss the fate of his client." May I have the peking duck please?" "You give me one and I give you one" as they trade the fate of men who are living in the belly of the beast. Gladiators in an arena that they dont even know exists. Lions and bears set loose on weaponless men in a war where the weapons exist in the shadows of mens minds. In knowledge that is hidden right in plain veiw.

A father struggles against the weight of the wheel barrow that is filled with rocks and sand. The blisters in his hands cry out at the indignation of having to wrap themselves around the handles of the wheelbarrow again and again. As he looks to the sky at the sun and breathes the fumes of the bulldozer. His hand wipes at the sweat that fall into his eyes. Stinging salt that burns. He knows that his paycheck will be 55 percent lighter, child support you know.

He thinks of his son and hopes that he will never have to go through this shit. But he is being raised by another man. All his mother sees him as is a deadbeat.

As the father walks home from work he sees the boy who was kicking the can in the morning and realises that it is his son walking home from school and his heart seems to want to explode as he rushes up to him before he realises that his son is looking at the lights of an ambulance which flash in red and white as the paramedics try to stop the flow of blood which leaks from the drug dealer who lays on the ground surrounded by screaming women and beligerent men.

The politician rides by with his windows rolled up tight and looks straight ahead as he cruises to suburbia. To the arms of his loving wife and his 2.5 children. To his dinner of steak and potatoes. His piece of the babylonian pie.

As a young mother holds her baby on her hip and he sucks at the pacifier that she bought with the money she made turning tricks on dirty mattresses. She hopes that one day this will not be her son lying there on the sidewalk.

The lawyers cell phone rings and he curses under his breath as he receives the news, now he will have to find another life to trade cause his pawn has been killed. 

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